Affected Component: ENGINE (PWS)

Date Published
NOV 30, 2017
TSB Document
For Engine 2.0L Turbo: DDSA, DDSB: Changed oil specs to: "VW 508 00, VW 504 00* or VW 502 00* Use synthetic oil SAE 0W-20*" Added footnote: "*If you must add oil and no oil is available that meets the Volkswagen oil quality standard required for your engine, you can add a maximum 0.5 liters (0.5 qt.) of engine oil that meets the ACEA A3/B4 and API SN specification, and has a viscosity grade of SAE 0W-20. Using oil with a different viscosity grade than the SAE 0W-20 can cause the vehicle emissions and fuel consumption to increase. Only use different oils in cases of emergency."