2015 Honda CR-V Vibration Lawsuit Filed

Owners of the 2015 Honda CR-V say vibration is so bad it can make occupants sick.

2015 Honda CR-V Vibration Lawsuit Filed

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— A 2015 Honda CR-V vibration lawsuit has been filed that alleges the cars rattle and vibrate to the extent it can make an occupant nauseous.
Plaintiff Vivian Romaya filed the proposed class-action lawsuit after purchasing a 2015 Honda CR-V in February 2015. The lawsuit alleges Honda knows about the problem but has no idea how to fix it.

The plaintiff says the 2015 Honda CR-V was modified to include a direct-injection engine called "Earth Dreams." The lawsuit alleges the combination of this engine and transmission causes a defect that doesn't exist in previous model years of the CR-V. Romaya says Honda should have known about the vibration problem before shipping the SUVs to dealerships.

After paying over $30,000 for the CR-V, Romaya says the SUV started vibrating just days after buying the vehicle. The plaintiff says the shaking caused her to feel sick, so she took the SUV back to the dealership. The lawsuit alleges the dealer replaced the alternator shaft, but the repair did nothing to help the CR-V stop vibrating.

Romaya took the SUV back to the dealer and was provided a replacement vehicle while mechanics tried to determine the problem. Three weeks later, the Honda dealer said it knew the vibration was there, but Honda hadn't figured out what was causing the problem.

The lawsuit alleges Honda issued a "tech line summary article" to its dealerships admitting customers had been complaining, but the automaker didn't provide a fix for the problem.

Romaya asked for a refund because Honda couldn't repair the problem, but the automaker rejected that idea. Instead, Honda offered the plaintiff $26,500 for the SUV, $3,500 less than the purchase price she paid less than two months earlier.

The Honda CR-V lawsuit says Honda is well aware of the vibration problem because the automaker created a video to address customer concerns. (See video below)

The 2015 Honda CR-V vibration lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California - Vivian Romaya v. American Honda Motor Co. Inc.

The plaintiff is represented by Parisi & Havens LLP.

2015 Honda CR-V Vibration Video