Sprinter 2500 and 3500 Vans Recalled Over Fire Risk

Sprinter 2500 and 3500 vans recalled to fix oil leaks from the chain tensioner gaskets.

Sprinter 2500 and 3500 Vans Recalled Over Fire Risk

Posted in Recalls

— Mercedes-Benz has expanded a 2014 recall of 8,200 model year 2015 Sprinter 2500 and Sprinter 3500 vans to fix oil leaks around the chain tensioner gasket. The original recall was ordered after the automaker determined the chain tensioner wasn't torqued in the engine block. Further testing found problems in the gasket material tolerances.

The latest recall involves over 1,300 Sprinter 2500 and 3500 vans at risk of catching fire from leaking oil. Additionally, oil can leak onto the road surface and cause a hazard to other vehicles.

Mercedes-Benz says the recalled vans were manufactured February 28, 2014, to January 22, 2015.

Affected owners of the 2015 Sprinter 2500 and Sprinter 3500 vans should have received a notice in the mail describing how dealers will replace the chain tensioner gasket.

Owners with questions or comments should call Mercedes-Benz customer service at 877-762-8267.

The 2015 Sprinter 2500 and 3500 vans were recalled earlier this year for a separate problem with the doors having trouble opening after a crash. That recall was caused by assembly workers who installed a simple wedge at the wrong angle.