Mazda3 Rearview Mirror Problems Cause Recall

Mazda recalls 2019 Mazda3 for 5th time in a few months. Rearview mirror glass can detach.

Mazda3 Rearview Mirror Problems Cause Recall

Posted in Recalls

— Mazda3 rearview mirror problems have caused a recall of more than 22,500 cars because the mirror glass may detach from the mirror housings without warning.

The 2019 Mazda3 rearview mirror glass was not adequately bonded to the housing during manufacturing. Faulty adhesion can cause the glass to suddenly pop loose and fall off, and Mazda says a driver won't notice a problem until the problem occurs.

Although a driver will be left without the benefit of the interior rearview mirror, the automaker says no crashes or injuries have been reported.

Mazda dealers will replace the interior rearview mirror assemblies when the recall begins August 30, 2019.

Owners of 2019 Mazda3 cars who have questions about the recall should call 800-222-5500. Mazda's number for this mirror recall is 3919G.

Owners of 2019 Mazda3 cars are likely growing weary of receiving recall notices considering this is the 5th recall since June 2019.