In a FMVSS no. 208 30 miles-per-hour compliance test, an unbelted test driver dummy's chest maximum resultant acceleration was 70.8 G's, which exceeds the maximum allowable value of 60 G's. also, the unbelted passenger dummy's left femur maximum load was 2361 lbs, which exceeds maximum allowable value of 2250 lbs. The vehicles do not comply with FMVSS no. 208, "occupant crash protection."
On automatic transmission models only, the dealer will replace the transmission support crossmember with a crossmember used on the manual transmission model. Also, the transmission rear bushing supports will be replaced with bushing having different performance characteristics. The steering column front support bearing at the firewall will be replaced with a modified part using a teflon inner surface and teflon spray will be applied to the column housing in the area of the bearing. A brace will be added between the knee bolster support and the steering column.