Affected Component: EQUIPMENT

Date Published
FEB 01, 2016
TSB Document
HeadUp Display Does not Work After Programming. After programming the vehicle with ISTA/P 3.57.3 or 3.58.x; one, or more, of the following situations could exist: The LED display of the tachometer in the instrument cluster is blacked out when door is opened and engine is running (shown below, left). After closing the door, tachometer will display again (shown below, right). The Check Control message is not displayed. HUD (HeadUp Display) does not work. No fault memory is displayed in the final report from ISTA/P or during PDI. This affects vehicles with I-Level S15A-15-11-503 or S15A-16-03-50x. This will not occur in vehicles produced after June 29, 2016. A programming abort occured during programming of the instrument cluster causing a software error in the instrument cluster.