Affected Component: ENGINE (PWS)

Date Published
JAN 01, 2015
TSB Document
"SUBJECT ALPINA N63TU Overboost Faults Set at High Altitude. The ""Drivetrain Malfunction"" Check Control Message is displayed when driving under certain engine operating conditions and at high altitude (above 6500 ft/2000 m). The engine has reduced power until the ignition is cycled off and back on. In this situation, the following faults would be stored in the DME(s) memory: z 120208 - Charging pressure control, plausibility Pressure too high z 120608 - Charging pressure control 2, plausibility Pressure too high z 120408 - Charging pressure control, Switch-off as consequence z 120908 - Charging pressure control 2, Switch-off as consequence DME diagnostic threshold error."