Date Published
MAY 01, 2015
TSB Document
"Traces of Condensation Appear in Rear Tailgate Lights After removing the rear circuit board, dry out the lens area with an adjustable temperature heat gun. It is important that the temperature not be higher than 140 F, to avoid damage to the lens and LED. . INFORMATION Covered under the terms of the BMW New Vehicle Limited Warranty for Passenger Cars and Light Trucks. Defect Code:63 21 15 48 00Rear light, rear lid leaking Or: If you are using a Main labor code for another repair, use the Plus code labor operation 63 21 800 instead. Work time labor operation code 63 99 000 is not considered a Main labor operation. Also, since the ""work time"" FRU allowance to be claimed is specified, a separate punch time is not required. Other Repairs If the leak checking results in other eligible and covered work, claim this work with the applicable defect code and/or labor operations listed in KSD2. Overlapping Labor - Associated and/or Other Repairs If invoicing KSD2 flat rate labor operation codes for the additional repair work results in overlapping labor being claim, invoice work time labor operation 00 50 000 for the additional time (FRU) minus the overlap instead. On the repair order and in the claim comment section, please identify the labor operations labor operation code 00 50 000 replaces and itemize claimed FRU amount. Work time labor operation code 00 50 000 is not considered a Main labor operation. Associated Repairs: When work time labor operation 00 50 000 is used as an extension of the repair outlined in this bulletin, a separate defect code and punch time(s) are not required. Other Repairs: When work time labor operation 00 50 000 is used for work that will be claimed under different defect codes, separate punch time(s) are required."