Affected Component: ELECTRICAL SYSTEM

Date Published
MAY 22, 2021
TSB Document
Flash: Powertrain Control Module (PCM) Updates This bulletin involves reprogramming the PCM with the latest available software. Customers may experience a Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) illumination. Upon further investigation the technician may find one or more of the following Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) have been set: P1AC6-00 - MCPA Crankshaft Position Signal Sensor Performance. P0335 - Crankshaft Position Sensor Circuit. P0339 - Crankshaft Position Sensor Intermittent. P0031 - O2 Sensor 1/1 Heater Circuit Low. P0032 - O2 Sensor 1/1 Heater Circuit High. P0037 - O2 Sensor 1/2 Heater Circuit Low. P0038 - O2-Sensor 1/2 Heater Circuit High. P0051 - O2-Sensor 2/1 Heater Circuit Low. P0052 - O2-Sensor 2/1 Heater Circuit High. P0057 - O2 Sensor 2/2 Heater Circuit Low. P0058 - O2-Sensor 2/2 Heater Circuit High. The following modules need to be flashed for this update to be effective, the following modules are all to be updated along with this PCM update:Hybrid Control Processor (HCP) and Auxiliary Hybrid Control Processor (AHCP) or also known as Power Inverter Module (PIM).