2018 Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid
NHTSA Defect Investigations
The Office of Defects Investigations (ODI) is an office within the NHTSA which investigates serious safety problems in the design, construction or performance of vehicles. The NHTSA is authorized to order manufacturers to recall and repair vehicles, if the ODI finds a safety issue. NHTSA investigations for the 2018 Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid, both ongoing and closed, are listed below:
INVESTIGATION: Pedestrian alert sounds
NHTSA #DP22005
INVESTIGATION: Ignition-off high voltage battery fire (
NHTSA #RQ24001
INVESTIGATION: Loss of motive power due to an internal
NHTSA #RQ24004
INVESTIGATION: Electrical arcing and thermal events, po
NHTSA #PE24028
INVESTIGATION: Transmission fault leading to loss of mo
NHTSA #PE22008