Affected Component: BACK OVER PREVENTION

Date Published
MAR 31, 2022
TSB Document
Flash: Powertrain Control Module (PCM) Updates This bulletin involves reprogramming the PCM with the latest available software. Customers may experience a Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) illumination. Upon further investigation the technician may find that one or moreof the following DTCs have been set: P0452 - EVAP Pressure Switch Stuck Closed. P0455 - EVAP System Large Leak. P0440 - General EVAP System Failure. P0456 - EVAP System Small Leak.If DTC P0456 is present use the wiTECH Small Leak Verification Test (SLVT)to determine if a leak is present in the system. Customers may also experience one or more of the following: Vehicle will fail to start when cold at times. A noise heard from the drivetrain while stationary and vehicle is inSport/Track modes. Extended engine crank times.