Affected Component: BACK OVER PREVENTION

Date Published
NOV 03, 2012
TSB Document
Flash: MIL Illumination P0108 - Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Circuit High And Transmission Shift Improvements This bulletin involves selectively erasing and reprogramming the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) with new software. The customer may experience any of the following: 3.6L engine. MIL Illumination for P0108 - Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Circuit High affects 2012 model year vehicles only. 2.4L & 3.6L engines 2.4L & 3.6L engines 2.4L & 3.6L engines 3.6L engine 3.6L engine 3.6L engine 2.4L & 3.6L engines 2.4L engine 2.4L engine 2.4L engine Improves the consistency of how shifts are controlled during upshifts ?torque management?Updating the software will correct the condition listed above.