Affected Component: STRUCTURE

Date Published
FEB 21, 2015
TSB Document
Flash: 3.6L Or 2.4L Diagnostic and System Improvements This bulletin involves updating the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) software. The customers may experience a Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) illumination. Upon further investigation the technician may find the following Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) set in the PCM memory: 2.4L Engine ? P219A - Air-Fuel Ratio Cylinder Imbalance Bank 1. ? U0140 - Lost Communication With Body Control Module. ? Improve alternator control at Idle. 3.6L Engine ? U0140 - Lost Communication With Body Control Module. ? P0300 - Multiple Cylinder Misfire. ? P000A - Bank 1 Camshaft 1 Position Slow Response. ? P000B - Bank 1 Camshaft 2 Position Slow Response.