
really awful
Crashes / Fires:
0 / 0
Injuries / Deaths:
2 / 0
Average Mileage:
37,285 miles

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problem #44

Sep 012014

Fiesta 4-cyl

  • miles
2012 Ford Fiesta. Consumer writes in regards to vehicle transmission problems. The consumer the transmission would shake, make a grinding noise, jerk, vibrate, hesitate and slip out of gear.

- Dallas, TX, USA

problem #43

Apr 012014

Fiesta 4-cyl

  • 30,000 miles
The problem is when I was on a hill and took my foot off of the brake the car would roll backward. I almost hit the car behind me several times especially when trying to accelerate from a hill. Then I would press on the gas and the car would move just enough to get me into the middle of the intersection (slowly) and begin to shake, jar and shutter, almost feeling like it was going to stall out. I would continue pressing the gas and nothing would happen. Finally it would accelerate rapidly lurching forward. My car began having this problem back in December of 2013. I knew this was a new transmission model in the car, but didn't feel like this was a normal thing. I was told the problems were "normal". the problems progressively got worse. Fast forward to March 2014 I took my car into the dealership. I did some research and found out that other people with 2012 Fiesta and Focus were having the same problems. After waiting for the clutch for almost a month, because it was on back order, my car had a new clutch. I thought this would fix the problem and it did for a little while, and then it began again. My car is still having problems after having the clutch replaced and it is just getting worse. The car is still shuttering when applying the gas. When applying the gas sometimes nothing happens. Then it lurches forward. It is hard to determine how much gas to apply because sometimes nothing happens then it's like it all of a sudden shifts gears and at that point it lurches forward. I have barely avoided several accidents where I have almost been T-boned because the car almost stalls in the middle of an intersection. I have also almost rear-ended people because the car lurches forward when in stop and go traffic. My car overall does not feel safe. Now Ford is saying that the shutter doesn't read at a high enough RPM for them to replace the clutch. Please help!

- Raleigh, NC, USA

problem #42

Oct 232011

Fiesta 4-cyl

  • 17,682 miles
This car is a 2012 Ford Fiesta. I first started noticing problems before I even hit 15,000 miles on it. The car shudders and jumps with acceleration and turning. I have gone in numerous times to have it fixed and the problem is never fixed. There have also been numerous times when the car hesitates when I need to make a speedy decision putting me in danger because the car doesn't react the way its supposed to. Now my engine over heated and I have no idea how that happened. I cannot believe this is happening to my 2 year old car. I am seriously thinking of just trying to sell it and get a new car. Something needs to be done about this make and model. I think the entire line should be recalled and people should get there money back.

- Miami, FL, USA

problem #41

Feb 012013

Fiesta 4-cyl

  • 12,000 miles
This is an on-going issue with this car. While driving at lower speeds or while trying to accelerate while merging onto a highway or at a traffic stop the car will shudder, pause, jerk forward or pause. There have been several incidents where I have nearly been in a collision because of this clutch problem. The jerk reaction of the accelerator has caused the most close calls, as it can happen while decelerating as well. I have brought this issue to my local dealer's attention and have had it in the shop for a total of 3 weeks or more within a 6 week period recently. Both times I was told the clutch system was reset and had to re-adapt to my driving, only to have the problem start again within a day or two unexpectedly. I have to bring my car in yet again for this same issue.

- North Bergen, NJ, USA

problem #40

Aug 152013

Fiesta 4-cyl

  • 44,000 miles
Tranny jerks at stops acts like shift bogs down im always being honked at to move im afraid to drive car then I take to dealer which took 3 weeks N then told had to pay $100 to have checked out which I didn't have the money its under warranty called Ford at least 8 times N never received any satisfaction it was checked my the dealer I bought from N they said nothing was wrong.

- Bellmore, NY, USA

problem #39

Jan 092014


  • 60,000 miles
The contact owns a 2012 Ford Fiesta. While driving 40 mph, the vehicle began to vibrate. The accelerator pedal vibrated as the contact applied force to the pedal and the speed decreased while driving up a hill. There were no warning indicators illuminated on the instrument panel. The contact observed transmission fluid leaking from the front of the transmission. The vehicle was restarted and the failure recurred. The failure continued to occur on a consistent basis. The manufacturer was notified and did not provide a remedy. There were no diagnostic tests performed nor was the vehicle repaired. The failure mileage was 60,000.

- Dallas , TX, USA

problem #38

Mar 192014

Fiesta 4-cyl

  • 11,000 miles
I bought a certified pre-owned 2012 Fiesta in late February 2014. I had serious issues over the next couple of weeks: Lurched when accelerating, so severely thought it would hit cars in front; not shifting right between the lower gears, at times almost stalling; almost in accident when car wouldn't pick up speed or go into gear it seemed; not picking up or going into gear; very little pull up hills from a standstill or lost a great amount of momentum mid-hill (almost rear-ended as a result); revs hard from nowhere; airy, grinding, scraping sound. Spoke to Ford customer relationship center numerous times. They claimed the six-speed transmission provides "an unusual driving experience." I explained I didn't feel safe driving it. I requested an address for sending a complaint letter and the woman seemed to discourage that, stating that the documentation from my phone call would be sent up the chain of command in Ford and to the highway safety administration. The transmission was removed, the clutch replaced, and both input shaft seals replaced in March. The problems began again. Now I'm dealing with the same issues. I'm very concerned, especially when I look at my own experiences with the car coupled with the comments I have read here.

- Baltimore, MD, USA

problem #37

Jan 282013


  • 5,000 miles
I bought this car brand new in July of 2012 and I have had nothing but problems with it. The main issue being the horrible transmission. The car sputters and shakes upon take off; the rpms rev up very high and yet the care goes nowhere; the car sounds like it needs to shift into the next gear, but doesn't; there is a huge delay when you step on the gas, the car sits there before it actually goes anywhere; the car lunges forward when you are in situations like stop and go traffic. I have taken my car into two separate dealers and the car has had 3 clutches so far. The newest problem with the car is a horrible squealing coming from the brakes. I've had two new sets of brakes and a deglazing of the brakes, only to have the problem still exist. I've taken this car in for a total of 6 times for the transmission and this week will be the 4th time for the brakes. These cars are a road hazard and should be recalled immediately. I have filed a complaint with Ford Motor Company and the BBB auto line. Ford should be ashamed of themselves for knowing about these issues and not doing anything about it. People's lives are at risk in these cars and they obviously don't care. I wonder how many people will have to die or get injured before Ford decides to admit they sold a horrible product and that it needs to be recalled.

- La Mesa, CA, USA

problem #36

Mar 282013

Fiesta 4-cyl

  • 13,381 miles
Car started to jerk while trying to accelerate. And car started to turn off at red lights. And need to be started up again to get going.

- Indio, CA, USA

problem #35

Jan 222014


  • 29,500 miles
I have been having problems with my transmission from shortly after the day I purchased the vehicle. It shutters, locks up and cannot shift gears. It has been in the shop over 5 times for the same issue and is still under manufacturers warranty. What can be done for me?

- Bellevue, PA, USA

problem #34

May 142012


  • 10,171 miles
The contact owns a 2012 Ford Fiesta. The contact stated that the transmission hesitated to shift when a right turn was made. The failure recurred on several occasions. The vehicle was taken to a dealer where the failure was unable to be duplicated. The manufacturer was notified of the failure. The approximate failure mileage was 10,171.

- Goodlettville, TN, USA

problem #33

May 032013

Fiesta 4-cyl

  • 40,000 miles
Car increasingly shifting hard. Accelerated from green light. Car jerking so severely almost lost control. This occurred numerous times since purchase. Car reprogrammed couple times but never lasts. Shudders, jerks, at times won't shift. Dealership mechanics advise that car should not shift in that manner. Under warranty. In dealership shop now for last 6 weeks clutch replaced but leaking waterpump on back order. All my warranty paperwork wit dates in my car at dealership. If need more precise dates, let me know.

- Sparta, WI, USA

problem #32

Nov 012013


  • 54,000 miles
I have a 2012 Ford Fiesta that I bought brand new in March 2012. At random times I felt the car shuddering during acceleration when going into 1st and 2nd gear. It got to the point where it happened more frequently causing my car to shake. At times it would feel like it would die out. I finally took my car into the dealership during the warranty period still and they diagnosed it as the clutch system having trouble catching. This was replaced in January 2014. 10000 to 12000 miles later around the end of May 2014 the same problems are happening again. At this time my engine light came on. I took it in again complaining about the shaking upon acceleration and engine light. They told me that it is expected with this type of transmission because of the built of it and blamed the throttlebody (engine light diagnosis) that is causing the shaking. I paid out of pocket for the throttle body since at this time my warranty period expired. I picked it up and 2 days later I had to return it to the dealership because they did not resolve the problem of shaking upon acceleration. They kept the car for a day and the transmission tech diagnosed the same problem as before which was the clutch assembly system. Even the service advisor stated to me that many other Fiesta owners are having problems with the transmission and some are on their 3rd replacement of the clutch system. Currently I'm still waiting for the parts for my car to come in to have it repaired but the shaking is getting worse and making loud grinding noises. It feels like it will stall on me especially when I'm trying to cross any intersection on make turns when accelerating from a stalled position. Majority of the time I have my children in the car and very nervous that it will lead to a potential crash.

- Menifee, CA, USA

problem #31

Apr 162014

Fiesta 4-cyl

  • 60,000 miles
Transmission lurches, bogs down and hesitates when trying to take off. Ford said the clutch package went bad and it cost $1,724 to replace the clutch. Less then 65K on a 2012 and the transmission goes out. This car belongs to a 16 year old. This is a massive safety issue.

- Dothan, AL, USA

problem #30

Jun 012013

Fiesta 4-cyl

  • 26,000 miles
Transmission grinding, lurching, rpms reving, slow to respond to gas pedal depression, rolls back at stop on incline, brakes went bad at 25000, tires went bad at 28000, transmission clutch replaced continues to have issues.

- Yuma, AZ, USA

problem #29

Mar 272014

Fiesta 4-cyl

  • 31,200 miles
Vehicle shutters, grinds, rattles, and jumps when vehicle reaches 20 mph or higher. I have brought it to the dealer several times...they claim its "normal". it is the transmission which is causing all the problems. Ford has verified it but basically told me to "turn up the radio and ignore it". the grinding is loud and sometimes when attempting to accelerate the vehicle will hesitate then the rpms will jump very high almost to 6000 before the vehicle speed increases. This car is a death machine on the highway. I am scared that it will cause an accident because I am not able to accelerate without issues or without the transmission jumping around all over the place. This vehicle needs to be recalled before people die.

- Fort Carson, CO, USA

problem #28

Apr 242014


  • 30,000 miles
Transmission had problems, gears grinding, car shaking when accelerating, shifting up and down when driving at a constant speed.

- Oakton, VA, USA

problem #27

Mar 012013


  • 30,000 miles
Vehicle shuddering and grinding noise when accelerating from a stop. Makes it very difficult to gauge acceleration rate. This is a real and documented safety concern nationwide.

- Champaign, IL, USA

problem #26

Mar 012013

Fiesta 4-cyl

  • 16,000 miles
Car (Ford Fiesta 2012 purchased in May 2012) regularly stalls, jerks and shakes when accelerating and causes car not to move as quickly. Car moves slower when it stalls, jerks and shakes. Driver cannot gauge when stalling will occur and when car will move slower. This is a safety concern because if in a situation where the driver needs to accelerate to get out of the way quickly, car may or may not move as expected and may not be able to get out of the way to avoid another vehicle which could result in an accident. Car has been taken to the dealer twice (3/27/13 and 12/21/13 for this transmission issue and it continues to occur. Repair receipts state that the cause is leaking seals from clutch housing area. They have removed transmission replaced inner and outer input shaft seals, cleaned clutch and reassembled. Despite their efforts we continue to have this problem with the vehicle.

- Granada Hills, CA, USA

problem #25

Oct 072013


  • miles
From the stopped position, the whole front end of the car shudders as you begin to press the accelerator. We took the car to a Ford dealer, they (koons, silver spring) updated the software and told us it would take 1K to 1500 miles for the problem to stop because we have 3 family members that drive this car and it has a driver style memory.. the shuddering also causes the car to lurch and pause if you have to merge from a stopped position to 40 or above mph. A problem only a very experienced driver can adjust for. This problem is dangerous to all on the road. I want a response from Ford or a possible recall. Many blogs already on the internet.

- Silver Spring, MD, USA

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