
really awful
Crashes / Fires:
7 / 0
Injuries / Deaths:
6 / 0
Average Mileage:
47,131 miles

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« Read the previous 20 complaints

problem #20

Aug 132014


  • miles
Sometimes when I let off the brake and press on the gas the car jerks and studders it has also done the same thing even when I did not have my foot on the brakes. Been doing this for a long time only got 9,800 miles on it financed it new

- Winterville, GA, USA

problem #19

Jul 312014


  • 8,000 miles
Beginning at 6000 miles and 7 months of operation, my 2014 Ford Focus began operating erratically. The transmission exhibited physical shudders, lurching when coming out of 0mph, and bogging down/failing to shift to accelerate when merging onto the highway. The first and most noticeable time, it resulted in my hitting the bumper of the person in front of me and a more than $5000 repair to their car. At the time, I was a safe distance away at a drive-thru and applied gas to move forward. At first, nothing happened, then the car lurched forward suddenly. I tapped the person in front of me-- no one was hurt and no damage was done to my car, but damage was done to theirs. This has continued to worsen until now the car exhibits violent shuddering coming out of first and second and has problems accelerating, to the point where it has nearly gotten me hit going through an intersection and caused issues merging onto highways.

- Columbus, OH, USA

problem #18

Aug 162015


  • 41,500 miles
While at a full stop on an incline, my brake pedal went back to a neutral position when I took my foot off, but the car stayed fully stopped. Also, when I go to press the pedal again, it is locked up. It is not locked in any kids of pressed position or falling to the floor, but in a fully unbraked, neutral position. This stayed locked for about 10 seconds before I can finally press it again and resume normal driving. This is the second occurrence of this very same incident.

- Silver Spring, MD, USA

problem #17

Mar 062015


  • miles
I bought a brand new 2014 Ford Focus and didn't have any issues for about 3 months or so but then the car started jumping and making grinding sounds and getting worse and worse especially when I would take off at a light or when I would merge into traffic it's especially bad when your sitting in slow traffic you need to give yourself more room or you might rear-end someone. I almost got into a really bad accident trying to pull out into traffic but thank god the person I was trying to get in front of moved over because my car just jumped a little and felt like it stalled out. I took it back to the dealer and they knew all about the problem but there was no recall on it yet which I could hardly believe because I work with someone who had the exact same car and had the same problems. They did replace the clutch in March but now its August and I'm going back in because I'm having the same problems. I'm really disappointed, I really like my car. If I wouldn't loose a lot of money on it I would trade it in for something else, its not safe and its been such a hassle.

- Baldwin, MD, USA

problem #16

Jun 132014


  • 13,618 miles
Car jerks and hesitates when taking off, making it dangerous to cross traffic. Shakes so bad that you can't drive it without fearing an accident.

- Athens, WV, USA

problem #15

May 222014


  • 16,000 miles
The transmission do not shift right, fells like transmission is going out on take off

- Quitman, LA, USA

problem #14

Jul 122015


  • 21,000 miles
While driven I had trouble with car jerking when trying to drive then error message transmission at fault and hill side assit not working. It would go for a little while then driving the message kept coming on. Rmp would jump real high and not moving then it would catch and jerk and continue going.

- Arlington , TX, USA

problem #13

Jan 012014


  • miles
My car has a big issue with the gear system. My husband an I bought the car brand new. After a couple of months, we noticed that the car would delay shifting into gear intermittently at first and gradually became worse. I mentioned it to the mechanic at the dealership and was told it was a known problem and it was a simple "computer problem" that could be fixed quickly. He schedule an appointment for it, reprogram the computer (or something like that) but the problem is still the same. The car has a big problem changing gears, that is not safe and there is a lot of complains about that on the internet. I complained with Ford and their final answer was: Furthermore, I have reviewed if there are any warranties on the vehicle and I am not seeing any. I have also checked to see if there are any extended service plan active on the vehicle and there are none at this time. Im not showing any recalls or customer satisfaction programs for this concern w/ the vehicle either. Regrettable, Ford would not be able to offer any assistance toward the cost of this repair. I have however, documented the concerns you are experiencing. This information will be forwarded to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for possible future recall information. I encourage you to keep your receipts in case a recall is issued and you may be eligible for reimbursement.

- Charlotte, NC, USA

problem #12

Jul 162015


  • 14,000 miles
For two months I've been hearing a scraping/grinding noise below my car from time to time. Before I heard the noise although, whenever I drove my car I would feel this hesitation in the car when I would accelerate. Today I took it to the mechanic from the dealer because I couldn't take the grinding noise any more and thought that maybe something below my car fell off or something. They then tell me that it is my transmission and that the hesitation from the car is also because of the transmission. I was in shock! I only have 18 months with this car it's brand new and I'm already having transmission problems"! this is ridiculous. God forbid I waited another day or week what would have happened to my car while on the road"

- Elmhurst, NY, USA

problem #11

Jul 102015


  • 34,000 miles
The vehicle has problems during initial acceleration from about 10-25 mph range where it exhibits a bucking or vibration. Also, it seems to have problems shifting at times at the right times where you may hear a winding sound, as if it's not getting into the right gear properly. I took it to the dealership and they concede that they have been getting these complaints. They just tried reprogramming as they call it, but this has not resolved the problem. On going issue, which I will tell them needs resolution. Definitely a safety issue.

- Sicklerville, NJ, USA

problem #10

Jul 012015


  • miles
When accelerating from a stop the transmission jumps, shutters, slips, since this seams to be a problem with most 2014 Ford Focus cars what can we as consumers do to get this problem fixed?

- Lebanon Junction, KY, USA

problem #9

Jul 012014


  • 3,000 miles
My 2014 Ford Focus, which I purchased a little over one year ago, has had constant transmission problems from the beginning. It slips, shudders, and makes strange noises while accelerating. I have brought it in for service with Ford and they have repeatedly "fixed" it. The problem quickly returns. They have acknowledged that "nearly all the 2014 Ford focuses they have sold have experienced this problem." I think the car is unsafe and I'm planning on filing a lemon claim with the state of Virginia.

- Arlington, VA, USA

problem #8

Jun 222015


  • miles
The 2014 Ford Focus SE. My mom and I traded in another vehicle for this car. It was working fine at the first 3 months of having it, but then after the second month, the transmission on this car started to fail. It would start to shutter and cause you to have problems accelerating trying to keep up with the car ahead of me after each full stop, or during traffic hours on a freeway/highway. This vehicle also had a problem when I was just barely getting on the freeway I tried pushing the gas peddles to reach 65mph, but for some questionable reason the gears were having trouble switching and as I look at the meter gage it showed 50mph. I push more on the gas peddle to get more speed and it would not move higher than 55mph. For some appearent reason it stayed stuck at 50-55mph. I'm quite disappointed on the dealers who sold us the car which they knew the issue of these particular vehicles, and also the manufacturers who have cause concern for who ever had bought this type of vehicle. I would appreciate if they would just recall any Ford Focus or any other vehicles that have such malfunctioning. America is suppose to be at the top, but what's going on with this issue that needs to be resolved. I'm was born in the philippines, but I was raise in the usa. I always thought the us was one top notch place to live. America is the life and I expect alot from thee higher up's/bosses.. for sure though, safety first for all vehicles designed and created and manufactured here in America or wherever they got their vehicles.. this place is one great place to live. We should live up towards true future expectations of any type of crucial designs of what so ever or some sort. America lets step up the richter scale of exclusiveness. God bless to all with peace and respect always.

- National City, CA, USA

problem #7

May 042015


  • 23,000 miles
I bought my Ford Focus as a Ford certified car on 04/06/2015. Car is used, had approximately 22,000 miles on it. About the beginning of may I started having problems with the car shuttering when I would accelerate. It became worse and took it into dealer for service. The service person that it is the clutch. He said that it would take 2-3 months to get the part as the clutch is on back order due to so many cars having the same problem. I asked why I was not told about this defect when I bought the car. Why didn't dealer fix it before selling it. The problem has escalated and I am afraid to drive around with my grandchildren. I am also scared as the shuttering is amplified going up hill and when accelerating. I complained to Ford motor but they have not gotten back to me. I feel that I was sold the car under false circumstances. If I had known of this problem I would have bought something else. I am 71, this probably my last car and I cannot even enjoy it as afraid of crash. This not an isolated incident. There are so many clutches that need to be replaced; why no recall?? the dealership has not fixed it and says the car is safe. I do not agree. They said there is nothing they can do until part is in.

- Carlsbad, CA, USA

problem #6

Jun 172015


  • 18,000 miles
The transmission shutters very badly typically when accelerating from a stopped position. Sometimes the car will not move forward when I press on the gas and then suddenly jolt forward unpredictably. Sometimes it will get stuck in an intersection with virtually no acceleration because the transmission does not shift to the correct gear. I do not feel safe driving this car. Ford dealership looked at my car on 6/16/2015 and said they have to order a new transmission, but it will not come in for 8-12 weeks. So I am stuck driving this unsafe car for a long period of time until the new part comes in to fix the problem (if it even fixes the problem).

- Dumfries, VA, USA

problem #5

Jun 122015


  • 18,000 miles
Since I purchased this vehicle in March of 2014, it has bucked at slow acceleration at speeds of 10-25 miles per hour. This caused vibration of the rear end and inconsistent acceleration. It occurs more often in hot weather. I have had it check twice, but the dealers say that it is normal with this type of transmission. It also is more prevalent in stop and go traffic.

- Ballston Lake, NY, USA

problem #4

Oct 012014


  • 5,000 miles
Several times the sun roof intermittently does not close. Once it's open, it will either not stay open or will not close at all. It repeatedly opens and closes over and over and stops when the sun roof is open. Sometimes after 10 or twenty times it stops at open position or it will close. There is no way to close it unless trying over and over until it finally closes. Sometimes it will not close at all no matter how many times of trying and must wait until some other time to get it to close. Speed of driving or weather conditions seem irrelevant to the condition. It doesn't matter if the car is turned off and then re-started.

- Sunnyvale, CA, USA

problem #3

May 202015


  • 18,000 miles
Ever since around 10,000 miles, my 2014 Ford Focus has been experiencing delayed acceleration and deceleration, grinding noises coming from the transmission, shaking, rough starts, and shuttering. It's caused the vehicle to lurch forward rapidly after not initially accelerating, with a few close calls in traffic. Ford is aware of this problem. I've taken this vehicle in to be serviced, only to have them tell me the part isn't available. It's been 4 months, still waiting. This is unacceptable.

- San Clemente, CA, USA

problem #2

May 052015


  • 11,545 miles
When trying to accelerate from being stopped at a light to complete a left turn the car would not accelerator and began to shutter even though I was pressing the gas the car did not move. I was finally able to move from traffic and narrowly avoided being hit by oncoming traffic. This is unacceptable as I need my vehicle to Transport my children.I do not feel safe driving this vehicle. The vehicle is all shuttering when the transmission is trying to shift gear. If it had been disclosed the the automatic transmission was a manual transmission in this vehicle I would not of purchased it. I have had this problem for over 1 year (since I purchased the vehicle new) and I have brought to Ford 4 times and each time I am told it is operating within normal peramators. The dealership replaced the clutch only after I had the car for only 3 months. I also reached out to Ford corporation and was told the same thing and that there is nothing further they can do.

- Chicago, IL, USA

problem #1

Mar 282014


  • 12,000 miles
Ford Focus St '14 : on startup the engine revs to 1500 then down to <500rpm and almost stalls. In addition, sometimes while driving, if the clutch is depressed the engine revs will rapidly decrease to this near stall point causing lots of engine shutter. There is a tsb (13-9-7) released, but the engine is throwing 0 codes when the engine shutter happens.

- Shrewsbury, MA, USA