
really awful
Crashes / Fires:
25 / 0
Injuries / Deaths:
1 / 0
Average Mileage:
75,025 miles

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problem #401

Apr 182012


  • 105,000 miles
Our car lunges when at low speeds. Usually from a stop as I let off the brake pedal it lunges forward. Aggressively pushing on the brake pedal stops the vehicle. It seems to happen when the ac is on.

- Madison, WI, USA

problem #400

May 152012

Freestyle 6-cyl

  • 80,100 miles
After starting engine, placed in reverse and vehicle suddenly surged backward while my foot was still on the brake. Later, engine was periodically surging forward as I kept my foot on the brake while in rush hour traffic until the "wrench" light came on the instrument panel at which time the engine died. Restarted engine and idled smoothly until I put it in drive and started lurching forward again as "wrench" light came on again. Idle RPM was fluctuating between 400 to 1,000 RPM with my foot on the brake. Had to keep left foot on brake with right foot on accelerator to keep engine running without bucking. Moved to side of road and turned off engine to wait out traffic. Restarted about 15 minutes later and drove home with no more problems, but noticed that it periodically bucks when idling so had car serviced and they said that the computer had reset itself. Still does it periodically.

- Pearl City, HI, USA

problem #399

Apr 012009

Freestyle 6-cyl

  • 30,000 miles
The car occasionally surges forward on its own when operated at a slow speed, less than 10 mph. It has done it on occasion since 30,000 miles and it now has 110,000 miles on it. It has happened when the ac has been on and off, and while accelerating as well as decelerating. I consider it to be a safety issue sufficient to warrant a recall.

- Pepperell, MA, USA

problem #398

May 282012

Freestyle 6-cyl

  • miles
We have owned our 2006 Ford Freestyle for approx 2 yrs and for the past year we have been experiencing various problems the main one being that while sitting at a stop or slowing down the car accelerates on its own we have to hurry and put our foot on the brake to stop car from surging forward. We have been having a problem with the electrical system there are time you can turn key to off position and remove key from ignition but car continues to stay running we have to disconnect battery terminal to get car to shut off. I have taken this car to several shops and no one seems to be able to tell me about either of the problems. After researching the issues on line I've discovered alot of people having the same surging problems.

- Utica, KY, USA

problem #397

May 022011

Freestyle 6-cyl

  • 80,000 miles
My car lunges forward or backward randomly. For example my car is parked in my garage. I will start it in the morning and put it in reverse and the car will surge backwards without me even touching the gas petal. At random moments I will take my foot off the brake at a traffic light and my car will lunge forward. It is dangerous. I am use to it and I keep my foot close to the brake so I do not hit another vehicle, but I am scared that it will get worse and that I will get into an accident.

- Erie, PA, USA

problem #396

Aug 012011


  • 120,000 miles
The contact owns a 2006 Ford Freestyle. The contact stated that the vehicle surged forward and backward while stopped. The vehicle also sporadically stalled during the failure. The contact stated that the failure recurred most frequently during warm weather. The vehicle was taken to an independent repair shop and the alternator was replaced but the failure persisted. The manufacturer was made aware of the failure and offered no assistance. The failure mileage was 120,000.

- Medford, OR, USA

problem #395

May 222011


  • 130,000 miles
The contact owns a 2006 Ford Freestyle. The contact stated that while the air conditioner was activated, the vehicle lunged forward abnormally. The contact took the vehicle to a local mechanic for a diagnostic test. The mechanic replaced the air conditioning compressor however, the failure recurred. The contact took the vehicle to an authorized dealer for a second diagnostic test and the dealer cleaned out the throttle body. The failure was not corrected and recurred after the throttle body cleaning. The failure mileage was 130,000.

- Orlando, FL, USA

problem #394

May 132012


  • 78,000 miles
Motor surge, leaching out of control.

- Independence, MO, USA

problem #393

May 102012


  • 93,000 miles
The contact owns a 2006 Ford Freestyle. The contact stated that the vehicle was started and the engine rpms began fluctuating rapidly, without the accelerator pedal being depressed. The contact also stated that when driving 30 mph, the vehicle would sporadically fail to respond to acceleration attempts. The vehicle was not taken to the dealer and was not repaired. The current and failure mileages were 93,000.

- Springfield, MO, USA

problem #392

Apr 162012

Freestyle 6-cyl

  • 66,700 miles
Purchased used three days prior to first incident. I was traveling at 55mph when I asked the vehicle to accelerate to maintain the current speed up an incline. The vehicles rpms shot up to 5K and I couldn't accelerate. I had my infant daughter in the car with me and was almost hit by another car behind me. I was forced off the road and turned the vehicle off. When I restarted all was ok again. This has happened numerous times since. I have also had a problem with the vehicle accelerating without me hitting the gas. I was in a parking lot when I put the vehicle in reverse and removed my foot from the brake. As I did this the vehicle lurched out of the space almost striking a pedestrian that walked out behind me. I was able to react quickly enough and hit the brake stopping the car. This has also happened in my driveway in drive as well. Dealer is aware of the problems on this car from the previous owner having it in the shop multiple times. They have told me that the part to fix the transmission problem is in-accessible and that my only option is to replace the entire transmission for $4500. When all I need is a single part inside the trans. Also, the throttle body is on backorder. The dealerships response to all of these problems is without an apology to take $50 off of my service bill for my inconvenience. The vehicle is currently sitting in my driveway because I am too scared to drive it. I have just made my first payment on a car I cant drive.

- Helenwood, TN, USA

problem #391

Jun 012010


  • 85,000 miles
I purchased my 2006 Ford Freestyle in December 2009. As soon as the weather got warmer I noticed that when parking, backing up, or trying to stop, the vehicle would surge as if I still had my foot on the accelerator. Soon it also started surging/sputtering when I first started out and would occasionally stall, twice in heavy traffic. I took the vehicle to the Ford dealership to discover that the throttle body position sensor doesn't work properly & that all Freestyles were having the same problem. I was shocked to find that a new unit could be put in but was not covered as a recall and was going to cost $1000. As a single mom, that was just impossible. Luckily my disabled father was previously a mechanic and was able to use carb cleaner to clean the sensor and temporarily stop the problem. Since then, every spring the problem comes back and I have to have the throttle body unit cleaned several times before winter. Another problem I have with this vehicle is that the brakes wear out unusually quickly. I don't know if it's because of having to fight the throttle position sensor to stop the car, or if it's a flaw in the design of the brake system. I do know that when it starts to feel like they are wearing out I have to replace them asap because the more they get worn the faster they wear out, if that makes sense. Something I've just recently noticed is that the lights (interior, exterior, display, all of them) have been almost blinking...getting brighter/dimmer and at the same time my A/C blows harder/softer, like they are surging as well. Upon further examination I found that the top and bottom driver's side motor mounts have cracked/rotted bushings. Ford should absolutely replace these throttle bodies without question; my children ride in my Freestyle every day and one close call is one too many. I want this fixed once and for all.

- Hull, GA, USA

problem #390

Jun 012009

Freestyle 6-cyl

  • 40,000 miles
I don't remember exactly when this first happened, but it was sometime in mid-late 2009, and has occurred more and more often ever since. The car will suddenly lunge forward (or back if in reverse) when my foot is not on the accelerator. When the car is idle, I have found that I have to keep my foot very firmly on the brake for fear of hitting the car in front of me or a pedestrian walking in front of the car. It is very scary. I have asked car repair services to check it out numerous times and have not had anyone find the problem. I feel like the problem is getting worse and I am really frightened. I need to know what can be done about this.

- Colorado Springs, CO, USA

problem #389

Jan 012011

Freestyle 6-cyl

  • 100,000 miles
The car will lunge once foot is taken off of the brake pedal without pressing down on the gas pedal. Car lunges in both forward and reverse. This has happened multiple times..

- Troy, OH, USA

problem #388

Sep 012011


  • 150,000 miles
My wife was coming home from work, she went to park the car outside in front of our porch where she normally parks at. She still had her foot on the brake and was getting ready to switch gears when the car accelerated and went over our flowerpot and into my porch braking a few boards and scratching the front of my car. This is not the first time it has accelerated on us while not suppose to. When I bought the car in August 2011 we took it to myrtle beach for a week, while in myrtle beach the car would try to take off and/or die while at low speeds with the A/C on. The problem almost caused us to hit a pedestrian. This car is very unsafe, and really needs the problem fixed.

- Proctorville, OH, USA

problem #387

Mar 142012

Freestyle 6-cyl

  • 131,582 miles
The car started lunging I was going about 25 mph then the RPM's rc..accelerated and speed reduced. My RPM was at 6 or 7000 but could only go twenty. I have two kids they were in the car very dangerous. Get to my home turn off the car after about 20 minutes I get my husband to look at it and it is not doing anything anymore. The car was fine for about two weeks, then out of no where no signs or problems at the moment the car stalls out will not go anywhere. Towed it to the Ford place they tell me it is the transmission it will cost $6700 this is my families only transportation. We have one vehicle. We can not afford to get it fixed or afford another car. We have been stuck walking everywhere. I think Ford should have to do something about this.. they would not even take a payment plan to try to get it fixed....please help!

- Oxford, MS, USA

problem #386

Mar 162012


  • miles
I left my house with 2 of my children and was stopped at a red light when my car started to bounce back and forth. It was extremely scary and my kids were panicked. Then, it seemed as though my car wanted to stall out, but luckily I made it back home and had to have it towed to the dealer for repair.

- Chesapeake, VA, USA

problem #385

Aug 012011


  • 60,000 miles
The contact owns a 2006 Ford Freestyle. The contact was driving 5 mph when the vehicle increased acceleration unexpectedly despite the brakes being depressed. The vehicle was not taken to the dealer. The manufacturer was not notified. The vehicle was not repaired. The failure mileage was 60,000 and the current mileage was 114,000.

- Chicago, IL, USA

problem #384

Mar 012012


  • 80,000 miles
The contact owns a 2006 Ford Freestyle. The contact stated that while driving at low speeds, the vehicle suddenly accelerated. The vehicle returned to normal when the brake was applied. The failure was experienced several times. The vehicle was not taken to the dealer and the manufacturer was not made aware of the failure. The vehicle was not repaired. The VIN was not available. The failure and the current mileage was 80,000.

- Gig Harbor, WA, USA

problem #383

May 182011


  • 85,000 miles
The contact owns a 2006 Ford Freestyle. After starting the vehicle and shifting into reverse, the vehicle abnormally accelerated. The vehicle was not diagnosed and no repairs were made to the vehicle. The current mileage was 124,000 and the failure mileage was 85,000.

- York, PA, USA

problem #382

May 102011

Freestyle 6-cyl

  • miles
Not sure on date when incident occurred, but the vehicle would start lunging even while brake pedal was engaged. Problem worsened over a short period of time to where it would cut off multiple times. Also problem would get worse while air condition was on. One day pulling into a parking spot one day the vehicle lunged forward causing me to hit a parking block. Damage was done to the front bumper only. Eventually it got to where we were unable to drive the vehicle. Has been parked for several months. Will crank up for a couple seconds and will cut off.

- Kannapolis, NC, USA

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