Analysis:a review of Ford Motor Company's responses to ODI informationrequests issued under preliminary evaluations PE 87-012, PE 87-017, andpe 87-020, indicated that the failure and/or malfunction of the spring-lockfuel line couplings appeared to be the major source or cause of enginecompartment fires in the subject vehicles.based upon this, an engineeringanalysis was initiated which incorporated all three of the above referencedpreliminary evaluations.additional reports were received which indicatedthat spring lock fuel-line coupling separation had been responsible forengine compartment fires in other Ford vehicles.the ea was then expandedon August 18th to include all Ford vehicles which use or did use springlock couplings in the fuel delivery and/or the fuel return system.status:by letter dated September 1, 1987, Ford agreed to recall 3,600,0001986 through 1988 passenger cars and light trucks equipped with electronicfuel-injection (EFI) and central fuel-injection (cfi) engines that wereproduced with a specific typeof spring lock fuel-line coupling.if thespring lock fuel-line coupling were improperly engaged or damaged duringassembly or servicing, then fuel pressure, vibration, or engine movementcould result in fuel line separation and the subsequent risk of a prevent this potential separation, the recalled vehicles willhave retainer clips installed over the spring lock couplings.the recallnumber is 87V-139.proposed action:based upon the nature and scope of the recall, ea 87-020should be closed and the recall's effectiveness monitored.===