
pretty bad
Typical Repair Cost:
Average Mileage:
94,950 miles
Total Complaints:
354 complaints

Most common solutions:

  1. recall should be issued, replaced @ Honda's expense (188 reports)
  2. replace transmission (53 reports)
  3. not sure (45 reports)
  4. replaced transmission (32 reports)
  5. replaced transmission, split cost with Honda (14 reports)
  6. Honda refused to repair under warranty, had to pay (9 reports)
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This problem may be covered under warranty. Ask your Honda dealer.

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problem #114

Dec 012008

Accord SE 4 cyl

  • Automatic transmission
  • 86,000 miles

Well, I took my car to the Honda Service Center after experiencing some jerking with a cold engine and found out today the transmission needed to be replaced. I just wanted to thank everyone who posted their comments because I was able to ask for the Goodwill Discount up front which reduced the cost by 50%. This does not justify the issue, especially since this is a well known problem which Honda should acknowledge and respond with a recall. Otherwise, why are they willing to give a 50% discount on the repair? I was a big supporter of Honda and unfortunately we will no longer purchase another Honda automobile. I understand cars are not perfect and even Honda can have challenges with their autos, but to have this happen at 86,000 miles is not acceptable and I can no longer continue to be brand loyal. I would have purchased a Honda for the rest of my life......Toyota, here I come!!!

- erich15734, Orlando, FL, US

problem #113

Nov 122008

Accord EX 3.0L V6

  • Automatic transmission
  • 73,000 miles

I bought my Honda Accord in January 2004 from the dealer, and it was slightly used at that point in time. It had only had one owner, and there were barely 8,000 miles on the car when I drove it off the lot. Since then, I have not experienced many problems with the car...until now.

Last week Friday, the check engine light went on. With 73,000+ miles on the car, I had been meaning to take it in for the mileage milestone check-up, and since the engine light went on, I figured now was as good a time as any. Then, I received the phone call that the diagnostic test had detected the transmission was the problem causing the light to go on. "The transmission? How could it be the transmission?", I asked. I should have known something was up when the receptionist told me she had been trying to get in touch with the service manager (RED FLAG #1). She assured me she would get in touch with me later to let me know what he had said. Meanwhile, I was still floored that my transmission was the culprit.

Later that afternoon, I did get a call from the service manager, who explained the problem once again, and he proceeded to tell me that he was going to call American Honda about working with me on this issue. He then wanted to know what I wanted from American Honda. I was dumbfounded because I had never haggled for service before, so naturally I explained I didn't think it was fair to have to pay for any of this. The service manager claimed that in the past (RED FLAG #2), customers had been granted 75% coverage from American Honda, while they only had to cover the remaining cost plus labor. I encouraged him to shoot for 100% coverage, seeing as how I earlier that morning I was looking at $300+ for a 60,000 mile service visit and was now looking at adding another zero to that price. He said he'd get back to me.

Amazingly, he did. This time, he claimed that American Honda wanted to know what else my car needed, to which he gave them a long list of recommended services. Then, the service manager told me American Honda would cover 100% of the transmission IF (RED FLAG #3) I agreed to authorize two of the recommended services: a new battery for $89.99 and an alternator for $415. Should I not go with the recommended services, the service manager could not guarantee American Honda's cooperation in the 100% coverage of the transmission. So...there I stood with a sort of ultimatum regarding my car care. Either I accept the 75% coverage from American Honda and plan to shell out $1,300 on my own to cover the remaining cost of labor, or I can pay $1065.99+tax to take care of the transmission, alternator and battery.

The choice sounds simple, but here are my concerns: would this be a new transmission? is it covered under warranty? are these prices/coverage plans in writing? what about my 60,000 mile service needs? what about the other Honda owners who have had to deal with this same issue? These are the questions I have yet to answer, but I will be contacting the service manager tomorrow to try and get this all in writing or at least negotiate my 60,000 mile services into the deal.

I do wish to thank Scott from AAMCO; I called to get a second opinion in terms of transmission pricing, and he is the one who said I should look into the service bulletin released by Honda. Once I hopped online, I found this site, and many others, that describe other similar situations in detail. Reading about other people's situations has certainly given me more leverage in terms of negotiation power.

- flamboe, Milwaukee, WI, US

problem #112

Nov 082008

Accord EX Coupe 3.2L V6

  • Automatic transmission
  • 80,000 miles

Well I'm not alone and I'm glad I found this website b/c I'm bringing these complaints to my dealership. I never would have thought my transmission would fail on a 2002 Accord Coupe Honda with 80,00 MILES! The mechanic said this can happen but I knew that at 80,000 miles on a HONDA IS UNACCEPTABLE. I drove the car maybe 4 out of the 7 years I had possession of the car. This is ridiculous and Honda should be ashamed . I'm never buying a Honda again! I tried calling "Good Will" but with this economy and their stinginess they don't care especially if IT'S HONDA'S FAULT! Someone can get killed with a failed transmission.

- Russ S., White Plains, NY, US

problem #111

Dec 012008

Accord LX 3.2L

  • Automatic transmission
  • 122,000 miles

I am yet another owner of a 2002 Honda Accord. When I first bought the car I was happy. I'm in sales so I do drive alot. At 72,000 miles I noticed a little bit of slipping, and took it in to my mechanic for a diagnostic test. The transmission was not mentioned. Now, when the car reached 112,000 miles I noticed it slipping again--in low gear, and starting to jerk pretty hard. I have maintained this car really well because I wanted to keep it running after it was paid off (5 months ago). I have changed the timing belt, etc...I have been told the transmission is going out, which normally is not surprising for a car with this mileage, but I found it surprising for Honda. The repairs are going to be very costly---$3,700 which includes engine mounts.

What pisses me off is hearing all the other reports of how Honda is not claiming fault, and is not taking responsibility for this major and costly repairs for their customers. Esp. those still under warranty! A class action lawsuit has not been filed, due to no reported "safety concerns", but Honda needs to be forced to step up and make things right. Any suggestions anyone?

- ticked off, Katy, TX, US

problem #110

Oct 312008


  • 127,500 miles

This is in regards to my other post (#15). After getting the trans tested and it came back BAD, I contacted corporate Honda. My rebuilt trans (trans #2) had 38k and is going bad again. Honda said they would only split 60/40 meaning I would have to pay $1000 out of pocket. Since the first trans had been replaced for free, i was only covered for 1yr/12k. After arguing with them for 3 weeks (they do not return phone calls very timely), I got them to pay for 75% and I pay 25% ($625). I am told now that I am paying I will get a 3yr/36,000 miles warranty. S|I am now waiting for trans #3 for this car. Will drive it another 36k and get it tested, if bad again, i'll have Honda replace it for free and get rid of it.

Update from Nov 18, 2009: Transmission #3 dying not waiting for #4. A friend of mine who does car auctions, his mechanic said he will retire and put his kids through college off of early 2000's Accords, Civic, and Odyssey transmissions. The reason these transmissions are bad is because the injectors inside the transmission are too small, starving the transmission of fluid and burning it up. The "Honda Remans" you get will have the same problem. You'll get the same crap and it'll happen again. I do 2 long trips a year, 80mph x 18 hours straight explains the problem.

- Matt L., Cape Coral, FL, US

problem #109

Jan 012008

Accord SE $L

  • Automatic transmission
  • 140,000 miles

I've had the car for 4 years, and notice this transmission for about a year. The D4 shift kept blinking and check engine light remained illuminated. When I took the car to my mechanic, he informed me that it is not engaging a new transmission. When my wife researched this site to find that this was a very common occurrence with this car, I was not happy. So, I'm registering my complaint and will support any endeavor to make Honda and obsolete purchase or have them honor their product by providing a vehicle that doesn't have transmission problems.

- Martin T., Middletown, MD, US

problem #108

Nov 172008

Accord EX V6

  • Automatic transmission
  • 85,788 miles

I have a 2002 Accord, loved it when I got it. It was a leased car so I bought it at exactly 36000 miles. I never had a problem, kept the up with the maintenance on the car with my local mechanic. I had a recent issue with the brake light always being on and then finally the other lights started to come on; got nervous and called my mechanic he stated that it sounded like an alternator problem so I got that replaced just this Saturday pass. On Monday night driving from home, my check engine light came as well as the TCS light, oh and the D4 started flashing. Took off today (Tuesday) and gave the car to my mechanic he stated that I have a transmission problem, he called the dealership and was told that my year did not have transmission problem, so he asked me to call Corporate to see if I can get anywhere with them being as though I do not have a warranty anymore and that they should help me. All they did was give me a case number but the customer service guy stated the same thing that the dealership said to my mechanic. So, now I got my mechanic calling corporate to see if he can get anywhere.

I have a bad feeling that I will be stuck paying for a astronomical bill at the end, after already giving my mechanic $550.00 just this past weekend for the alternator and inspections. This will probably be my last Honda and I will go with Toyota from this point forth if there is no resolution.

- Kimberly R., Upper Darby, PA, US

problem #107

Oct 022008

Accord EX V6

  • Automatic transmission
  • 80,560 miles

hi am shane and I am very upset that Honda dealers have no concern how hazard this problem with 2002 transmission can be. I am still driving my car till I find and used transmission. The Honda Co. dealers service department asked me do I have an extended warranty, I said yes, so he looked up my vin and told me sir your extended warranty has just expired. The repair will be my expense of $3400.00 with 3yr warranty.

I told him that this is very unusual for transmission on honda to go out at 80k, he then said am sorry the #130 code and 180 mean its internal problem in transmission.

I told him then fix it and tell Honda to pay for it, He laughed and said no that your responsibility to fix. I told him an internal failure should be a recall .

No response and walked away. Please help me voice my concern to Honda and help get this problem fixed before someone maybe hurt or killed.

I do not understand why Honda is waited to call the vehicles 2002 in for transmission problem at low mileage. Yes I did buy my car for the confidence of reliability from honda and hope to hear them call the vehicle in.

- chatptl1, Stockbridge, GA, US

problem #106

Oct 292008

Accord SE 4 Cycl

  • Automatic transmission
  • 138,000 miles

My 2002 Honda Accord was properly maintained according to the extreme level of use specified in the owner's manual. I went to drive to work one morning and my d4 light began to flash and my check engine light came on. ECU codes 700 708. The transmission is failing. I found this website and determined that it is in fact a problem. I took the vehicle to the dealer and they offered to fix it for $2500, down from $3500, with a re-manufactured transmission with a 3-year warranty. I called Honda Corp of America and ended up speaking to the same woman who approved the 25% discount. Honda should be sued for their lack of quality. I have owned 3 Honda's in my lifetime and because of this I will NEVER purchase another one and I recommend that everyone who reads this avoid Honda like the plague, as they refuse to stand behind their product. Honda refuses to take responsibility for their defective transmissions. The 01 Transmission problems resulted in a class-action lawsuit that force Honda to extend the warranty. The same transmission is used in the 02 accords, and Honda has done nothing for the consumers who have been inconvenienced by it.

- Joshua G., Suwanee, GA, US

problem #105

Sep 152008

Accord LX 4 cyl

  • Automatic transmission
  • 61,000 miles

Transmission was making noise and slipping at 50k, finally got bad at 60k. Took it to the dealer and told them I owned that and a Civic, and that my family combined owned 8 Honda's, all great except for my accord. I normally never take my car to the dealer, but thanks to reading this site and getting a tip to ask for the Good Will discount from the dealer I decided to take it in. Sure enough they said it needed to be replaced and that they would split the cost with me 50/50. My car runs like new now. Trans. included a 3 year / 36,000 mile warranty too. Too bad it still cost me $1400.

- dogggis, Renton, WA, US

problem #104

Sep 222008

Accord EX V6

  • Automatic transmission
  • 103,550 miles

Bought my 2002 V6 Honda Accord brand new. Also purchased the Honda maintenance package, had all service performed regularly, timely & at the dealer. I've taken it to a reputable mechanic ever since. Noticed some hesitation in the transmission about 1 week ago. Now it is slipping terribly & failing quickly. Called Honda Cust Service (800-999-1009) to see if there is a transmission recall & rep says there's no record, not even for 2001 Accords. Repair is costing $2,200 & is holding up a trip to the mountains...

I have always said you can't go wrong with a Honda or a Toyota. Looks like I'm only 1/2 right -- it will ONLY be Toyotas for me going forward.

- Sandy M., Suwanee, GA, US

problem #103

May 102007


  • 88,500 miles

Bought the car with 45k and around 65k starting slipping first when it was cold. By 80k it was slipping first hot or cold and downshifting (like slowing down for a speed bump and hitting the gas to go again) was a PAINFUL SLIP. My uncle is a mechanic for Honda and had told me they extended the warranty for 98-02 Accord up to 100k. Dealer tested and ordered a rebuilt. They called me 3 days later and had my car for a day to replace it. HE DID SAY IF I GOT NO WHERE WITH THE DEALER, WRITE HONDA OF N. AMERICA AND COMPLAIN, THEY WILL REPLACE THEM FREE UP TO100K. I have 127k now and it is starting to show signs of going bad again. Called Honda corporate, they didn't seem to care. Sucks, my first Honda has 245k and my friend still drives it daily, this one though.... its a shame, really only problem i had with this car.

- Matt L., Cape Coral, FL, US

problem #102

Apr 182006

Accord EX V4

  • Automatic transmission
  • 107,000 miles

I've noticed this problem for well over a year but everytime I've taken it in I've been told there's no problem with the transmission!!! The transmission keeps slipping and jerking. It started around 75k and is getting worst at 107k. I've noticed that if i accelerate slowly it doesn't happen very often but if I'm trying to accelerate to pass somebody or go through an intersection the call jerks violently and slows down. This is a safety concern and should be replaced for FREE by Honda. I bought a Honda and if I wanted my transmission to go be faulty I would have bought a Ford!!!!!!! Like others on here I am a college student and do not have the funds to spend another dime on this car. I bought a Honda figuring it would last me through college and well into my career but I guess I was wrong.

- brenh813, Brandon, FL, US

problem #101

Jun 162007

Accord LX V4

  • Automatic transmission
  • 62,000 miles

Honda had the worst service I ever seen. I had an independent shop fix my transmission because Honda wanted 700 more for the sane job. I will never choose a Honda dealership to service my vehicle again; I was cheated twice on my brake replacement. I would not recommend buying a Honda

- shvets, Philadelphia, PA, US

problem #100

Oct 012008

Accord 4 cyl 2.2L

  • Automatic transmission
  • 100,000 miles

I thought I could go at least 10 years on my Accord without any significant problems. But I was floored when I was told my car needed a new transmission at 100k. I was told by one dealer that it would be $4000 and Aamco told me it could be anywhere from $2000-$3000 (of course I had to pay about $1000 just for them to take the transmission apart). I called American Honda Co. and they were no help saying that there was no recall and I asked for a goodwill repair and they said it wasn't possible.

Another deal I contacted contacted American Honda Co on my behalf and surprisingly they offered a 50/50 split on the repair. I'm happy that I got it fixed at a reduced rate but I'm not happy because this really should not have happened. And I'm shocked to see that it's happened to so many 2000-2003 Accords. My previous car was a 1997 Accord and I've been a big fan of Hondas but I'm pretty sure this will be my last.

- Jonathan L., Seal Beach, CA, US

problem #99

Sep 222008

Accord EX 3.2L V4

  • Automatic transmission
  • 83,100 miles

The transmission slips and jerks. Out of the blue the transmission started having problems changing from first gear to second gear. We have drained the transmission and put fresh transmission in the car and it has not done any good! Honda needs to recall this transmission, there is definitely a manufacture problem.

- Valencia P., Montgomery, AL, US

problem #98

Aug 032008

Accord EX 3.0L V6

  • Automatic transmission
  • 77,235 miles

Honda should be responsible for transmission failure. Ten and fifteen cases might not qualify for Honda's fault but there are hundreds of them and I am pretty sure that there still are more owners who doesn't know about this site and where to voice their frustration are quietly suffering.

- shail, Ocean City, MD, US

problem #97

Jun 082007

Accord EX V6

  • Automatic transmission
  • 90,000 miles

I didn't know that there was a recall on all 2002/V6. When my car started jerking i brought it to DALY CITY HONDA. and they said it was something totally different on the engine that I had to replace it. and that it would cost me 2,000 Gs because it wasnt under warranty anymore at 80,000 miles. ( Umm broke collage student here). I'm now just finding out about this whole recall. and Im extremely pissed. Honda should recall all 2002/v6 no matter what this is safety issue. isnt it. and it should be at HONDA's expense. 100,000+ miles on my car its now not under 106,000miles warranty . WTF ?? I will call tomorrow morning and see what i can do.

- alyssaj, San Francisco, CA, US

problem #96

Mar 072008

Accord SE 2.3L

  • Automatic transmission
  • 102,000 miles

I took my car in at 70,000 miles to get the transmission flushed. Then I had taken it to a Honda dealership to prepare it for winter. At the time the technician mentioned the transmission fluid smelt different and asked if it was truly transmission fluid; which it was. However, later I found out this was only a symptom of my transmission slipping. At 97,000 miles I took it in for a diagnostics test on the transmission and found out the transmission was slipping. It just got worse from there, I replaced the transmission from Honda. I am glad I had it done by my long time mechanic. The 1st automatic transmission was defective and the 2nd has not failed, however its not as smooth as I had anticipated.

I had this job completed at 102,000 and now have 112,000. This is my first Honda Automatic and I will only buy a Honda with a Manuel Transmission. I wish Honda had a recall on this.

- ivans05, Salem, OR, US

problem #95

Mar 042007

Accord EX 2.3L 4

  • Automatic transmission
  • 100,000 miles

Always heard of how great Honda is. To my surprise all the cars we have own Honda is the only one with a transmission that needs to be replaced. Similar to other posts on this car, transmission started to slip and jerking when it sh*ts. After having two shops, one being the Dealer; both say the transmission needs to be replaced. Plan to contact Honda of America to see if they will replace.

- chca, Carmichael, CA, US

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