All ODI complaints and crashes are duplicative of Honda complaints.the warranty claim count shown for other represents incidents where Honda's analysis of claim detail indicates the interlock system malfunctioned.the CR-V interlock system utilizes an ECU to control a solenoid driven blocking device that prevents key removal when the shifter is not in park.Honda documents identified a condition where metallic debris interferes with the operation of the blocking solenoid and causes the interlock system to malfunction.Honda determined that a manufacturing process was the source of the debris and implemented a countermeasure in March 2002.approximately 62,000 vehicles were produced prior to this date.ODI recognizes 63 incidents of interlock failure, which include 7 rollaway crashes, two of which resulted in three injuries and a multi vehicle accident.all 63 failures occurred on vehicles produced prior to the March countermeasure.noting the population of potentially affected vehicles, both the failure and crash rates are of significant concern to ODI.