B2128-17 - Sensor Supply Voltage - Circuit Voltage Above Threshold And/Or U045A-86 -
Implausible Data Received From Parking Assist Module - Signal Invalid
This bulletin involves updating the Park Assist Module (PAM) software.
Some customers may comment that when pressing the Parallel and/or Perpendicular Park
Assist button when the vehicle is stopped (during stop/start event) it will not illuminate.
Additionally the customer may experience a false park assist detection. This is caused by
ground reflections, on vehicles equipped with XH3 or XH4. If the customer wish to do a
Parallel and/or Perpendicular Park Assist (PPPA) maneuver and they push the PPPA
button, then the cluster may display, "Active ParkSense Temporarily Unavailable?. This is
an intermittent condition and will only last for one key cycle. On further inspection the
technician may find DTC U045A-86 - Implausible Data Received From Parking Assist
Module - Signal Invalid and/or a B2128-17 - Sensor Supply Voltage - Circuit Voltage
Above Threshold set in the PAM.