
really awful
Crashes / Fires:
107 / 0
Injuries / Deaths:
76 / 3
Average Mileage:
0 miles

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problem #46

Jan 052001

Grand Cherokee 4WD

  • miles
Car reportedly jumped into reverse from park while idling. Damaged two other vehichles.

- Alexandria, VA, USA

problem #45

Nov 032000

Grand Cherokee

  • miles
No summary listed for above vehicle.

- Fort Pierce, FL, USA

problem #44

Mar 192001

Grand Cherokee 4WD

  • miles
Left the Jeep running at the end of my driveway to put recyclables out. When I turned back around the vehicle was rolling backwards towards me. Opened the drivers door to stop it, but could not. The vehicle rolled across the highway and into the ditch in the median, where it struck the left rear bumper, stopping the vehicle. Called for a trooper and was given an accident report and a ticket. Took to a local body shop where it was found that the incident had bent the frame as well as destroying the bumper. Vehicle was repaired within two weeks at the local body shop.

- New Bern, NC, USA

problem #43

Aug 142000

Grand Cherokee 4WD

  • Automatic transmission
  • miles
While idling in park vehicle jumped into reverse, causing a collision which resulted in injury to owner. Dealer has been notified.

- Oak Park, IL, USA

problem #42

Dec 211998

Grand Cherokee 4WD

  • Automatic transmission
  • miles
Vehicle jumped from park into reverse, causing vehicle to hit a tree. Dealer has yet to be contacted. The consumer was hit by the door while attempting to get in the car while it was still in motion injuring legs and hands, the dealer was contacted but dismissed the accident as operator error. Nlm

- Fresno, CA, USA

problem #41

Apr 012000

Grand Cherokee 4WD

  • Automatic transmission
  • miles
Vehicle jumped out of park into reverse, hitting another car and damaging consumers rear driver side door.

- Buckhannon, WV, USA

problem #40

Nov 181998

Grand Cherokee

  • miles
My Jeep was park in the idle mode in front of my home and jump back in reverse and hit a tree across the street. A child was walking nearby which could have very well ran over this child or someone else walking nearby. This incident has occured three times after that when the car was idleing in the park mode and has jumped back into reverse. I never get out of the vehicle without having my emergency brake on. I don't trust this vehicle.

- Broussard, LA, USA

problem #39

Nov 112000

Grand Cherokee 4WD

  • miles
I experienced a rollaway incident with my Jeep in November of 2000. I put the vehicle in "park" position and got out to go into the local doughnut store. I walked behind the vehicle and it was still in park. After walking away, the Jeep rolled into another parked car (a 2000 Buick regal) causing lots of damage to it. The accident cost me $500 for the deductible plus, since the insurance company said the accident was 51% my fault, my auto insurance went up by $300 this year! I would have reported this incident earlier but I was not aware of this hotline until a few days ago. Thank you.

- Temecula, CA, USA

problem #38

May 011998

Grand Cherokee 4WD

  • miles
In May 1998, I was 9 months pregnant with our first child. I had pulled our new Jeep up to the mailbox & left it idling in park. The next thing I know I am at the mailbox & the Jeep has rolled back into a parked truck. No one was injured but the other driver & I both noticed that the Jeep was still runinng & it was still in park. I ctold the dealer that it had obvioisly sliiped out of gear but he basically blamed it on me. He said something to the effect that I was so pregnant I probably forgot to put it in park. First of all, I didn;T reverse up to the mailboxes and second I was a 9 month pregnant woman who was not capable of jumping out of a moving V=car! the car stayed still long enought for me to undo my seatbelt, open the door & leave it open and clear the doorway. I knew I had put it in park but they refused to notify the manufacturer. I paid my deductible and went and had my daughter. I continued to have problems & they did work on the gear shift one more time. I know something was wrong with the Jeep so I hope this helps your investigation. My lease on the Jeep was up May 2001 so I have turned the car back to the dealer. Thank you. Shelley carson.

- Bixby, OK, USA

problem #37

May 072001

Grand Cherokee

  • Automatic transmission
  • miles
I stopped to pick my mail up from the stnd of mail boxes at my condo. I put the Jeep in park, left the door open and walked around the front, got out my key, got my mail out, posted a letter and was going back to the Jeep, when it took off. I seen the open drivers door hook on the posted speed sign, veer off and head accross the driveway to a stand of tall fir trees. It hit one of the trees and bounced off. I reached the vehicle at that point and jumped in and turned off the engine. I know I had the vehicle in park, because of the lenght of time this all took before it moved. I did not report to the police, it was on private property, and I has the sign replaced. The tree was not damaged. My Jeep had the door busted up and the back bumper and tailgate were also damaged. I reported to my insurance company. They have the same report. It was scary and it could have been a lot worse.

- Dublin, OH, USA

problem #36

Jul 122001

(reported on)

Grand Cherokee 4WD

  • Automatic transmission
  • miles
Vehicle was parked. Consumer was behind vehicle checking on garage door closure when vehicle started moving backwards. Consumer was nearly ran over before getting out of way. Vehicle's rear end hit a tree in the back yard. Owner felt jerking, and revving was part of problem with vehicle going into reverse. Took vehicle to dealership to check. Was informed nothing wrong after placing on diagnostic machine.

- Forest, VA, USA

problem #35

Jun 092001

Grand Cherokee

  • Automatic transmission
  • miles
Vehicle was parked in driveway, engine shut off, and emergency brake was not applied. Vehicle in front backed up and lightly bumped into consumer's vehicle, causing it to roll backward into a creek. Damage to vehicle was $ $8000.

- Russell, KY, USA

problem #34

Oct 281999

Grand Cherokee

  • Automatic transmission
  • miles
I pulled over to the side of the road, put the vehicle into "park" and proceeded to step from the vehicle. As I emerged from the vehicle it slipped into reverse. The open door knocked me down, under the vehicle. As I fell I grabbed the side of the moving vehicle and was dragged backwards as the car moved in reverse. By scrambling as the tire hit my left side I was able to get most of me out from under the vehicle, everything except my right foot. The left front tire ran up on my foot and was stopped by my leg. I was now pinned under the tire in a sitting position. I then reached into the car and put the vehicle into "park" again to keep it from running me over any further. Since I was alone on a dark road I knew I had to get the tire off my foot so I put it into "drive" by reaching in with my other hand and holding the brake. I scrambled out from under the vehicle as it ran off into a ditch. I sustained a broken leg and torn ligaments. I had to undergo surgery to repair the torn ligament, wear a cast for the broken leg and undergo rehabilitation.

- Lake Jackson, TX, USA

problem #33

Mar 222001

Grand Cherokee

  • miles
This vehicle has jumped out of gear on two occasions and was reported to dealership and they would not look at vehicle. I was told that I should call crysler instead and I explained that I had been severely injured from this. I was still told they could not do anything I still have medicals for which I am still under a doctors care resulting from the injury of the auto. This auto has jumped out of gear on two occasions and ran over me causing injuries.

- Gainesville, TX, USA

problem #32

Dec 092000

Grand Cherokee 4WD

  • miles
Jumped into reverse from park causing accident.

- Toledo, OH, USA

problem #31

Jun 232001

Grand Cherokee 4WD

  • Automatic transmission
  • miles
Consumer backed into parking space, placed vehicle in park and go out of vehicle. Vehicle then rolled on its own into a tree. Driver's side door was opened, and entire driver's side was damaged.

- Hartman, AR, USA

problem #30

Oct 282000

Grand Cherokee

  • miles
While trying to get out of a parking space, put vehicle in drive, but vehicle stayed in reverse. Consumer could not get vehicle to go in drive. Also, had to turn vehicle off, and restart it to get into drive. Contacted dealer.

- Oakland, CA, USA

problem #29

Jul 102001

(reported on)

Grand Cherokee

  • miles
PE-01-021; monmouth police officer placed vehicle in park position, exited vehicle after a few seconds, and vehicle jumped out of gear, causing vehicle to roll backwards, and resulting in vehicle striking another vehicle.

- West Longbranch, NJ, USA

problem #28

Jan 182001

Grand Cherokee 4WD

  • miles
Vehicle was put into park; it was nighttime and dark out. I started to step out of the car and the car rolled backwards. I was struck by the open door and thrown to the ground. I found myself face down in the dirt and looked up to see the Jeep rolling away from me with my child still in the car in her booster. I ran after the car which stopped when the open door caught a post and bent forward and the rear of the Jeep hit another post. I was taken to an urgent clinic and got stitches on my face and treated for other abrasions and strains. On two other occassions since then my car started moving backwards when in park but I was still in the car and was not hurt.

- Haiku, HI, USA

problem #27

Sep 011999

Grand Cherokee

  • Automatic transmission
  • miles
After putting vehicle in park mode to open fence while vehilce was still running consumer noticed that vehicle slipped out of park mode, rolling backwards and running into a fence.

- Boynton Beach, FL, USA

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