Affected Component: ELECTRICAL SYSTEM

Date Published
JUN 19, 2020
TSB Document
Flash: Powertrain Control Module (PCM) Updates This bulletin involves reprogramming the PCM with the latest available software. Customers may experience a Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) illumination. Upon further investigation the technician may find that one or more of the following DTCs have been set:P2C90 - Crankcase Ventilation System - Hose "A" Disconnected(APAC, EMEA and LATAM Only). P04FC - Crankcase Ventilation System Performance(APAC, EMEA and LATAM Only). P2453 - Particulate Filter Pressure Sensor "A" Circuit Range/Performance(APAC and EMEA only equipped with Gas Particulate Filter (GPF). P245F - Particulate Filter Pressure Sensor "B" Circuit Range/Performance(APAC and EMEA only equipped with Gas Particulate Filter (GPF). P0456 - EVAP System Small Leak. If DTC P0456 is present use wiTECH Small Leak Verification Test (SLVT) to determine if a leak is present in the system. P0171 - Fuel System 1/1 Lean(LATAM Only). P0172 - Fuel System 1/1 Rich(LATAM Only). P0128 - Thermostat Rationality(Sales Codes NA1 with NBQ or NB6 Only - APAC and EMEA Only). P050B - Cold Start Ignition Timing Performance(Sales Codes NA1 with NBQ or NB6 Only - APAC and EMEA Only). Customers may comment on one or more of the following:Excessive fan noise when the A/C is on MAX output. Rough idle at engine start up in colder ambient temperatures. Software enhancements also included in this update:Electric Vacuum Pump (EVP) update. Fan noise reduction. Low Speed Pre Ignition (LSPI) update.