Affected Component: ELECTRICAL SYSTEM

Date Published
NOV 06, 2019
TSB Document
Flash: Powertrain Control Module (PCM) Updates This bulletin involves reprogramming the PCM with the latest available software. A small number of customers may experience a Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) illumination. Upon further investigation the technicianmay find one or more of the following Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs):P06EF - Engine Restart Performance. P0456 - EVAP System Small Leak.If DTC P0456 is present use the wiTECH Small Leak Verification test (SLVT)to determine if a leak is present in the system. Customers may experience one or more of the following:Excessive blower fan noise when the A/C is on MAX output. Intermittentrough idle or idle surging, when coming to a stop(Automatic transmission equipped vehicles only). Random Electronic Stability Control (ESC) lamp illuminates in the InstrumentPanel Cluster (IPC). Driving at vehicle speeds while in first gear and shifting into neutral, amessage "Shift to 1st gear not allowed" message appears in the Electronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC) when conditions are not met(Manual transmission equipped vehicles only). 3 km (2 mph) difference between cruise set speed versus actual displayspeed. During cold vehicle operation and the use of cruise control on vehicles equipped with an automatic transmission, the engine RPMs may dropbelow idle speed while cruise control is engaged, this may occur if the customer presses the accelerator pedal to achieve a vehicle speedgreater than the cruise control speed and then releasing it. Radio or IPC may reboot (flash off/flash on) during an Engine Stop Start(ESS) shutdown in cold conditions with a battery temperature below -12°C (10°F).