Affected Component: LANE DEPARTURE

Date Published
MAR 23, 2021
TSB Document
UGQ Radio Enhancements This bulletin involves inspecting the software level to see if the radio needs one or two USB flash drive(s) to update the radio software level to 39.2. It is critical that every step of the bulletin is reviewed and performed properly. If any steps are missed, the radio can be damaged and may need to be replaced. Customers may experience one or more of the following:Radio screen turns black when the ignition is on. The radio resets. Audio sometimes inoperative for the entire ignition cycle. Language setting reverting from customer set language to Italian language. Message displayed "TomTom live services unavailable". Frequent pop-ups during startup saying device not connected - Uconnect LIVE. Loss of radio presets. Incorrect navigation address/location/directions. Navigation stuck on loading screen or not appearing at all. Issues regarding zoom/scrolling feature on map. Navigation settings not persisting. Intermittently, the radio screen will black out after key is turned on. Navigation screen freezes after a Voice Recognition (VR) command. Warning chime will not turn off. Radio display black, except application bar. Audio distortion heard during phone calls and CarPlay. Uconnect Live feature may not function properly. In addition, the following software enhancements are also available:Voice Recognition (VR) and Bluetooth improvements. Russian language enhancements.