Affected Component: BACK OVER PREVENTION
- Date Published
- JAN 07, 2023
- 10231769
- TSB Document
- Summary
- Flash: Powertrain Control Module (PCM) Updates
Customers may experience a Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) illumination. Upon further investigation the technician may find that one or more of the following Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) have been
set: **P016F - Closed Loop Fuel Pressure Control At Limit - Pressure Too Low. P025C - Fuel Pump Module Control Circuit Low. P208B - Reductant Pump 1 Control Performance. P0300-00 - Multiple Cylinder Misfire (MIL Illuminated During 4WD-LO Only). P0301-00 - Cylinder 1 Misfire (MIL Illuminated During 4WD-LO Only). P0302-00 - Cylinder 2 Misfire (MIL Illuminated During 4WD-LO Only). P0303-00 - Cylinder 3 Misfire (MIL Illuminated During 4WD-LO Only). P0304-00 - Cylinder 4 Misfire (MIL Illuminated During 4WD-LO Only). P0305-00 - Cylinder 5 Misfire (MIL Illuminated During 4WD-LO Only). P0403-00 - EGR Control Circuit Open ? Disabled Fault.** P225D-00 - NOX Sensor 1/1 Performance Signal Stuck Low. P249C-00 - Excessive Time To Enter Closed Loop Reductant Injection Control. P065A - Generator System Performance. P00F4-00 - Humidity Sensor Circuit Low. P20FB-00 - Reductant Pump 2 Control Performance. P200A-00 - Intake Manifold Runner Performance Bank 1. P200B-00 - Intake Manifold Runner Performance Bank 2. P2610 - PCM Internal Engine Off Timer Performance. P0534-00 - AC Refrigerant System A Charge Loss. P04DB-00 - Crankcase Ventilation System Disconnected. P204F-00 - Reductant System Performance. P2199-00 - Intake Air Temperature Sensor 1/2 Correlation. P0087-00 - Fuel Rail Pressure Too Low (with rapid apply and release of accelerator pedal). P0306-00 - Cylinder 6 Misfire. P01CB-00 - Cylinder 1 Injection Timing Performance Over Retarded. P01CC-00 - Cylinder 1 Injection Timing Performance Over Advanced. P01CD-00 - Cylinder 2 Injection Timing Performance Over Retarded. P01CE-00 - Cylinder 2 Injection Timing Performance Over Advanced. P01CF-00 - Cylinder 3 Injection Timing Performance Over Retarded. P01D0-00 - Cylinder 3 Injection Timi