Affected Component: VISIBILITY

Date Published
NOV 01, 2019
TSB Document
This document is the notice to Kia Dealer Service Managers announcing the launch of a Customer Satisfaction Initiative for all Telluride customers on 11/1/2019. As part of the ongoing monitoring of Telluride performance, we have identified that in some instances, customers have reported windshield chipping followed by extensive cracking within a short period of time, preventing repair of the chip. Although the vehicle's warranty specifically excludes warranty coverage for broken, chipped, scratched or damaged window glass due to outside influence, KMA would like to provide Telluride customers with goodwill repair support should they encounter the issue while we continue to investigate. Dealers are asked to replace an affected Telluride customer's windshield under goodwill following inspection to confirm the condition (chip due to impact from road debris and windshield cracking preventing repair). KMA will also reimburse customers for out-of-pocket expense previously incurred due to this issue (instructions included in the owner notification letter).