Affected Component: STEERING

Date Published
APR 26, 2019
TSB Document
TSB: SERVICE ACTION: INTERMEDIATE STEERING SHAFT UNIVERSAL JOINT INSPECTION (SA383) - This bulletin provides information regarding the inspection of the intermediate steering shaft lower universal joint on certain 2020MY Telluride (ON) vehicles, produced between 1/9/2019 and 4/23/2019, for proper installation. Before conducting the procedure, verify that the vehicle is included in the list of affected VINs. Do not conduct inspections on vehicles not on the affected VIN list. This Service Action is in response to a decoupling incident in one vehicle during a regular inspection procedure. There have been no incidents in the field. To determine if the potential for decoupling or other steering shaft lower universal joint problems may exist in any of the possibly affected Telluride vehicles, Kia is making an inspection procedure available as outlined in this bulletin.