
really awful
Crashes / Fires:
2 / 1
Injuries / Deaths:
0 / 0
Average Mileage:
60,669 miles

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problem #29

Mar 092011


  • 80,000 miles
Seems to be a common problem with this vehicle and other similar models going back 4 years. Car hit 80000 miles and the trans range sensor went out. Car goes into "limp mode" because the computer thinks there's something wrong with it, when the reality is a bad sensor not an actual mechanical problem. That and the problem is intermittent. Sometimes occurs just as car is started and put in gear, and sometimes not at all. (check engine light goes off and on with each incident or new starting of the vehicle.) the safety issue is that because it is in limp mode, you cannot accelerate quickly and the car may even roll backwards on hills if you have to stop, as happened to me this morning while taking son to school, had to hold the brake and rev the (automatic!) engine until I felt it pulling to make it up the hill. Can sometime stop and turn the car off, then back on and issue goes away. Having a hard time believing that after 7 years of complaints a recall hasn't already been issued since this is an obvious blatant defect.

- Powell, TN, USA

problem #28

Jun 112009

Forenza 4-cyl

  • 4,000 miles
I bought my car 3-29-09. At 4,000 mi. I began having problems. At 57,059 mi. 4-9-13 was the 18th time my car has been in for svc. I'm on my 3rd dealer (orig. Out of svc.) I am having my 3rd trans installed.can someone say "lemon law ?" 1st they could not find the problem as no codes were shown by the computer. My car at one point was at the dealer for 34 days straight! at times it would not even go into gear or would just die. I have had the tcm, ECM, & trans range switch replaced multiple times.since Oct 2012 have getting an intermittent ck eng light, I was finally able to bring it in on 3-29-13 & the ECM was replaced. On 4-8-13 I was barely able to make it in to the shop as my car was stuck in 3rd gear and I was on the hwy the ck eng, light was on. It was the trans range switch again! it was just replaced Oct 2012. Mon. Eve. The car would stall in neutral when in drive, slam into gear, the ck eng light remained lit, it was stuck in 3rd gear and the newest development was that as I was driving on the hwy, the lit D (drive) by the odometer was flashing normal & then with a line through it. I got to the dealer, pulled the code & the trans needs to be replaced again! I have absolutely had it with this car and am attempting to re-instate my arbi- tration with them (I dropped it when the supposedly fixed the prob.last yr). 14 of visits were major. Suzuki's tech explained to me that there is an engineering design flaw. My car is dangerous and I no longer want my life in Suzuki's hands. I cannot continue to drive a care that can become faulty at any time, especially when I am driving 55-65 mph on the hwy and the car gets stuck in third gear! my husband has also had the engine die on him while driving.(I took a short video with my phone that shows the ck eng light on and the D flashing with a line through it.every time that the ck eng light comes on lately, it's a new code.

- Elk Grove Village, IL, USA

problem #27

Feb 182013

Forenza 4-cyl

  • Automatic transmission
  • 47,000 miles
The contact owns a 2008 Suzuki Forenza. The contact stated that while attempting to accelerate from a complete stop, the vehicle exhibited a delayed response. On a separate occasion the gear lever was shifted into drive and the transmission independently shifted into reverse. The vehicle was taken to a transmission center where the transmission range sensor was replaced. The manufacturer was not notified of the problem. The approximate failure mileage was 47,000. Updated 04/30/13

- Charolotte, NC, USA

problem #26

Mar 062007


  • 60,000 miles
The contact owns a 2008 Suzuki Forenza. The contact stated that while at a complete stop, the vehicle erroneously slipped out of gear and jolted. The vehicle was taken to the dealer for the failure on several occasions. The dealer updated the computer but the failure continued. The manufacturer was notified. The approximate failure mileage was 7 and the current mileage was 60,000. The VIN was unknown.

- Irving, TX, USA

problem #25

Nov 082012


  • 42,500 miles
About once a week my car has an issue when shifting. When I shift into reverse I get a clunk. Then when I drive the car seems to be stuck in a high gear. The check engine light will go on. If I turn the car off and leave it off for 5 to 10 minutes it will be fine when I start it again. The engine light codes are P0700 and P0705. Upon doing research on this subject I found that this is the transmission range sensor that is failing. Suzuki will not fix this under the power train warranty which seems very wrong since this is part of the transmission. I have found a large number of people with the same problem. This is obviously a defective part that Suzuki is doing nothing about.

- St Cloud , MN, USA

problem #24

Feb 052013

Forenza 4-cyl

  • 92,850 miles
My transmission range sensor has been replaced twice, both within a 12 months time frame. Both times my car jerks at low and high speeds and my engine light is invoked. The second time the dealership replaced my transmission range sensor...the very same week my vehicle is still experiencing the same exact issues, inclusive of my engine light coming on and staying on for 3 days. Upon return, the dealership says my jerking, hard gear shifting and on board engine light is being caused due to an engine skipping issue, which is "possibly" due to the electronic control module not communicating with the transmission control module. I'll have to pay the dealership $210 to see if the connector between the ECM and the tcm is bad, and if its not bad, I still pay the $210, but then they'll tell me what the next possible step would be?? I feel I'm in a no win situation, it sounds like, just keep writing checks. My issue sounds the same as the countless others that have been documented, my issue should be covered since Suzuki is more than aware that these are known issues.

- Greensboro, NC, USA

problem #23

Dec 312012


  • 45,000 miles
The contact owns a 2008 Suzuki Forenza. The contact stated that while driving approximately 15 mph, the vehicle erroneously slipped out of gear and jolted. The vehicle was taken to a private mechanic where it was confirmed that the spark plugs, engine head gasket, and trans range sensor needed to be replaced. The vehicle was taken to the dealer for the same failure on several occasions. The manufacturer was not made aware of the failure. The vehicle was not repaired. The approximate failure mileage was 45,000 and the current mileage was 45,500.

- Philadelphia, PA, USA

problem #22

Nov 222012


  • 70,000 miles
Started car put it into reverse to back out, aloud "clunk" noise was maid and the car had trouble accelerating. Not it often slips into neutral while driving or will only accelerate in third.

- Va Beach, VA, USA

problem #21

Dec 242012

Forenza 4-cyl

  • 61,570 miles
I purchased this car new in 2/ 2009. I have had to have it into the shop for repairs of check engine light and transmission, ultimately leading to a transmission replacement on 7/17/12. It has been in the shop 14 times from 7/24/10 until the present most of which included the check engine light/and or the transmission failure, still today my car is in the shop because it won't reverse. The accident that occurred on 12/24/2012 could have possibly been avoided had I been able to reverse because as the car approached me I attempted to reverse when it failed.

- Syracuse, NY, USA

problem #20

Nov 162012

Forenza 4-cyl

  • 95,000 miles
In less than 2 months, I've had to replace several parts of my car that I don't believe is part of regular service maintenance. Thermostat, coolant hose, spark plugs (twice in a year), brake lights and headlight bulbs (replaced twice in a year), transmission control module and motor mounts because of the tcm that made my car jerk all the time whenever I accelerate. Either at a traffic light or on the freeway, my car hesitates to accelerate and jerks every time I shift gears. Now, possibly the transmission range sensor needs to be replaced (I am currently in the process with this one). I'm afraid in the next few months, I'll be spending more on car repairs than the car is worth and it's only a 2008!

- San Diego , CA, USA

problem #19

Jul 192012

Forenza 4-cyl

  • 94,979 miles
The tcm switch on my 2008 Suzuki Forenza was replaced in November of 2010 and was found by an authorized service center for Suzuki as being defected. I was told that it caused the transmission to switch itself into neutral, which caused the car to fail attempts to accelerate at times. I had taken the car to the Suzuki dealership where I purchased the car within 30 days of buying the car and complained about acceleration. I was told the was new and would take a little while for the parts to work out their newness. Within the next two years this issue persisted and would cease to happen after taking the car in and being told there was no problem found. The issue seemed to go away and would return again within 90 days. I was even told that I was used to driving cars with better performance and my perception of how the car drives was the issue. It was only after going to different service center that I was told the tcms are often replaced but the failure to accelerate issue could also be the engine or transmission. Failure to accelerate could happen after coming to a complete stop or acceleration above 40mph. The issue returned after having the tcm switch replaced within 90 days as it had done after each visit where I was told there was no problem found. The incidents were intermittent and if left past 90 days would increase in frequency. My latest visit was to the original dealership on 7/14/12 where I was told that no problems were found with the tcm switch. When asked to see the read out for the test, I was denied and given $1,500 in estimates to clean my engine and general maintenance that was due. The engine light came on this time, so, I could have errors read. I found out in September that the tcm switch is failing. This complaint is the first step to getting this addressed.

- Columbus, OH, USA

problem #18

Aug 012012

Forenza 4-cyl

  • 60,000 miles
One day, when I put my car in reverse, it "clunked" into gear, the gear display was scrambled, and the check engine light came on. I shut my car off and started it again, thinking it was a fluke. The check engine light remained on and it also "clunked" into drive. When I went to accelerate, the RPM's were 5-10 higher than normal and it took a little longer to "get up and go." Sometimes, my car will initially run fine until a few minutes into the drive, when it falls into neutral while driving, then goes back to drive, the check engine light comes on again, and the problems resurface. I took it to advanced auto parts and the machine said transmission control system but they said that could mean anything and would be fine to drive. After taken off the machine, the check engine light went off, only to come on again the next time I drove it. My brother (who has mechanical experience) cleaned the transmission sensor and filter, hoping it would help, but it didn't. as I go to a small town college three hours away from home and make a 3 minute drive to and from classes everyday, I let it be for the semester, insisting that it would eventually go away. Well, it's christmas and it never went away; each day I drive my car it presents me with the same problems. My brother took my car back to advanced auto parts and the machine read the same issues as before, plus a possible wire short. They didn't suggest any fixes so he checked for shorts in the wires and found none. It appears it must be the transmission range sensor. After reading up on the trs, it seems that this is an ongoing problem that many owners are experiencing as early as 30K miles on cars some bought new. I feel as though this issue has also caused other problems with my car (reduced gas mileage/battery failure) and is cause for a factory recall, as its appearance is widespread and the effects are numerous.

- Panama City Beach, FL, USA

problem #17

Oct 202012


  • 49,884 miles
Coming home late night around 2ish, waiting at a redlight my car does a sudden jerk, the check engine light comes on and im in drive (foot on brake pedal) but in the dash the gear starts flashing and indicating I was in neutral but I wasn't. light turns green I go to press down on the acceleration and my car seemed like it barely wanted to drive, as if it needed a push. I didn't drive my car for the whole weekend because I was paranoid. Took my car in that Monday on October 22nd 2012 (they had it for 8days), got my car back assuming the problem was fixed, but here we are a month later, November 29th 2012 and my car it doing the same. I was driving maybe about 30pmh and I was coming to a stop at a light and my car did a soft jerk and the engine light came on. Went to turn into a parking lot once the light turned green and it seem as though my car didn't want to accelerate. So I turned off the car, waited for 10mins or so, turned it back on and the light was gone and my car was okay. I took my car in to my job, they informed me that it was the same problem, which is the gear sensor/ transmission range sensor. Im taking my car in again on Monday Dec 3rd to be fixed. I have had my car almost 4 years now, I still have a warranty as well and I just hit the 50,000mile mark. Im scared to drive it because I do not want anything to happen to me or other people driving on the road. So I pray the problem is fixed on Monday. I have read many other reviews about the same problem and it blows my mind that so many people have the same problem and nothing has been done. I love my car so it really is a bummer that I am having this type of problem.

- Oceanside, CA, USA

problem #16

Sep 142012

Forenza 4-cyl

  • 38,370 miles
The car will not come up to speed when pulling into traffic. Transmission jerks violently and car will not speed up to enter traffic safely. Turn the car off service light goes away, back into traffic and same issue. Car will not go to speed to enter traffic safely!

- Rio Rancho, NM, USA

problem #15

Jul 102012

Forenza 4-cyl

  • 73,000 miles
I am thinking our transmission range sensor went out on our 2008 Suzuki Forenza with over 70,000 miles. Car check engine light was on for a few days, then turned off about 3 days ago, stopped at drug store, when I turned on the car, the check engine light was back on, put car in reverse and clunk, while the display where the R for reverse would have been was scrambled, car still reversed. Clunked into drive, and wouldn't switch out of 1st gear.

- St Louis, MO, USA

problem #14

Jun 262012

Forenza 4-cyl

  • 94,500 miles
After backing out of my driveway, I put my car into drive and felt a sudden jolt and the check engine light came on. I could not accelerate and barely reached 20 mph on a busy road. The check engine light remained on until I arrived at the dealership. When I turned my car off, the check engine light obviously went off, however it did not come back on when the mechanic turned the car on, neither did the car jolt when changing gears. I was notified that my "transmission range sensor" had internal failure and would need to be replaced. Although I have a 100,000 mile warranty on power train, this apparently is not covered because it is not an internal transmission problem. My issue is that it is a problem dealing with the transmission however it is not covered under warranty?

- Wilmington, NC, USA

problem #13

Oct 012011

Forenza 4-cyl

  • 60,000 miles
The transmission range sensor went out the first time last year. Started to show an "X" over the gear when you shifted, it would kick, and it would not allow you to over 35mph even with your foot on the gas. We replaced the sensor in Oct of 2011. It is now April 2012 and the sensor has gone out again. The air bag sensor light is constantly on. The dealership states that wire keeps getting shorted because of the location under the seat.

- San Antonio, TX, USA

problem #12

Jan 202012


  • miles
The contact owns a 2008 Suzuki Forenza. The contact stated that the transmission sensor switch failed. The failure caused the vehicle to jerk violently when shifted into reverse and back into drive. In addition, the vehicle was non-responsive to acceleration attempts. The vehicle was repaired. The current mileage was 60,000 and the failure mileage was not available.

- Hudson, FL, USA

problem #11

Feb 172011

Forenza 4-cyl

  • 45,000 miles
Transmission range sensor failed causing vehicle to jump gear and rearend another vehicle causing 1800 dollars in damage to personal vehicle and unknown amount to vehicle that was hit. This sensor had previously been replaced by dealer 3 times prior to vehicle reaching 36,000 miles. After alot of research myself there seems to be alot of problems with this. This vehicle should be recalled for this transmission sensor before somebody get seriously hurt!

- Haughton, LA, USA

problem #10

Dec 192011

Forenza 4-cyl

  • 64,000 miles
Had to replace the transmission range sensor. $140 fix between parts and labor. Of course it wasn't under the 100,000 mile powertrain warranty.

- Republic, MO, USA

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