
really awful
Crashes / Fires:
0 / 0
Injuries / Deaths:
0 / 0
Average Mileage:
1,868 miles

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problem #29

Oct 282021


  • miles
UNKNOWN and my incident and cause for my 2019 toyota camry will goes as the same other people description issues with 2019 Toyota Camry

- Sacramento , CA, USA

problem #28

Oct 012021


  • miles
There is always a huge delay when accelerating with this car which has to do something with the transmission. If you press your foot on the gas, it will jerk and delay then take off. If you have to quickly accelerate to avoid a crash, you are not going to be able to since the car keeps doing this. I had a car speed towards me and I needed to get out of the way, but this delayed my acceleration and jerked. Luckily the other car braked and my car moved away enough after the delay to avoid any crash. This needs to be fixed on the 2019 models.

- Addison, IL, USA

problem #27

Oct 122021


  • miles
There is a lag when stepping on the gas pedal.

- Sac City, IA, USA

problem #26

Aug 022021


  • miles
Transmission is some times shifts slow and then fast acceleration when pulling in traffic it hesitate to go all most like you are going to be hit by another car

- Mobile , AL, USA

problem #25

Jun 102021


  • miles
The 2019 Toyota camry having issues with the transmission. When accelerating from a complete stop, the transmission hesitate for a few seconds before it jolts forward when shifting gears. it also does this when traveling at a higher speed. When I slow down approaching a red at 30mph, the light will turn green and when I try accelerating it jerks pretty bad. Another thing I've experienced is the car shaking or rattling while drive early in the morning. always happens between 630-700am. Ive gone to Toyota and they said the car have to get used to me driving.

- Frankfort , KY, USA

problem #24

Jan 012020


  • 6,000 miles
The contact owns a 2019 Toyota Camry. The contact stated that while his wife was driving 65 mph, the vehicle started to hesitate. The contact stated that there was no warning light illuminated. The vehicle was driven to her destination. The vehicle was taken to carlock Toyota of tupelo (882 cross creek dr, Saltillo, ms 38866, (662) 842-6428) where it was diagnosed with needing to restart the transmission controller. The vehicle was repaired but continued to experience the failure. The vehicle was taken back to the dealer four times and transmission controller three times. The vehicle was also repaired under NHTSA campaign number: 20V682000 (fuel system, gasoline). The contact stated that the failure persisted. The manufacturer was informed of the failure. The failure mileage was approximately 6,000.

- Baldwyn, MS, USA

problem #23

Sep 282020


  • 50,900 miles
I was in the drive thru queue at burger king and I had the brake hold activated, waiting for my turn. The car just vibrated and shut down. I tried to start it again it never started. On the dash it said coolant temp high, charging system malfunction, drive start control malfunction, brake override malfunction. I thought I needed antifreeze so I walked to sunoko to buy one. Tried to put some in but antifreeze was full so I couldn't top up. The antifreeze is in the trunk. I tried to get a jump thinking it was the battery but it still didn't start. I towed to Toyota and now they're telling me the computers are not communicating right with each other. My gas says 65535mi distance to empty. My car is been sitting at the dealership for a week now and they didn't give me a loaner car even though I have warranty on it.

- Philadelphia, PA, USA

problem #22

Jan 082019


  • miles
I was making a left turn (from a stop sign) out of my neighborhood and the car hesitated then, all of a sudden it rev'd up, and shot forward. I'm sure the neighbors thought I was hot rodding. This happened again on a separate day when I was waiting to turn left at a traffic light. There was a pickup truck coming from the opposite direction, but he was far enough away, so I gave it some gas to start my turn. My car hesitated and I thought the pickup was going to hit me, but then my car rev'd up and lunged forward as previously. I thought that maybe it had something to do with making left turns, but one day I was driving about 40 mph on a 45 mph level road and I gave it gas to increase my speed to 45 ---- the same thing happened ---- hesitation, rev'd up, lunged forward. It still does it, but I'm trying to be very careful driving it because I don't know if I'm going to be the next traffic fatality, or worse, cause someone else to be killed or maimed. I also told the service rep when I took my car in for regular maintenance and asked if they could check it. He told me they had checked it and it's okay. I looked at the service report but, I couldn't find where they had checked it. I started looking for info via the internet on this problem and found other sites that had people complaining about it. So, the next regular maintenance I took my car in for, I mentioned it to the service rep and told him about all the complaints I've read concerning this problem of hesitation, etc. I said it seems that it must be normal for this car and that's why the mechanic said it was okay. He agreed that it's normal for this car, but I have nothing in writing that he said that or that the problem was even checked. You never know when it will happen. It happens in all three driving modes. Check: Https://www.cargurus.com/cars/discussion-M7_ds895703

- Nashville, TN, USA

problem #21

Jul 102020


  • 1,000 miles
My car, since the purchase at 51 miles, is constantly not accelerating when I push the gas. I have taken it to allen Toyota, 11 July 2020, where they stated there was a known issue with calibration. The calibration was completed, but the car is still doing the same thing. Once the car has been in park and stationary for a few hours, it is awful when taking off because the car jerks and acts as if it will turn off. The car now is jerking when driving on the interstate at 70 mph daily. This is dangerous since I cannot depend on the car to speedup when and as needed and I'm afraid it my stall and cause an accident.

- Ocean Springs, MS, USA

problem #20

Aug 222019

Camry 4-cyl

  • 4,773 miles
In stop and go traffic, traveling at slow speeds with ac on in the middle of summer, if changing to a faster lane, having the gas floored, the car wouldn't accelerate/down shift that lasted about 5-10 seconds before it accelerated. One time, a car that was two cars in front of me pulled out and he was gone, while I was still sitting there with no acceleration and another car quickly approaching from the rear! I was told that others were complaining about these issues, they felt the problem but it is normal operations for the 4 cyl Camry's, that the transmission is computer controlled, and there wasn't anything they could do until Toyota put out a mod for the computer. They said Toyota should have something out soon with all the complaints, but it has been almost a year and no repair available.

- Alexandria, VA, USA

problem #19

Jun 102020

Camry 4-cyl

  • 1,000 miles
Transmission hesitates when shifting under partial and full throttle. Transmission shifts up to too high of a gear in the economy mode.

- Ames, IA, USA

problem #18

Apr 012020

Camry 4-cyl

  • 100 miles
Vehicle often has extreme hesitation when applying gas. Car often lags. Does not accelerate consistently as it should. Primarily occurs after car is moving slowly.

- Jacksonville, FL, USA

problem #17

Jan 132020


  • 3,000 miles
The car sometimes stalls on acceleration during a stop, like at a red light or stop sign. City street driving.

- Miramar, FL, USA

problem #16

Aug 222019


  • 400 miles
My 2019 Camry SE has a jerky transmission. The problem occurs at low speed and seems more systematic when reaccelerating from a rolling stop. After slowing down to under 15 mph or so and attempting to regain speed (before reaching a full stop), the car typically takes a second or two to respond to throttle input then lurches forward in an aggressive and potentially dangerous way. This is not a minor inconvenience that one gets used to or can learn to live with. I believe it has the potential to cause harm to me and others in busy traffic.

- Statesboro, GA, USA

problem #15

Nov 062019


  • miles
Hesitation on acceleration from a slow roll or rolling stop. Car exhibit a hesitation on acceleration from a slow roll or rolling stop under the following conditions.  6 mph or below  immediately following a 3 ' 1 downshift  less than 40% accelerator pedal application

- Atlanta, GA, USA

problem #14

Nov 012019


  • 4,500 miles
About a 1 second delay in acceleration especially after coasting or a rolling stop.

- Leonardo, NJ, USA

problem #13

Oct 172019


  • 1,200 miles
The transmission starting from a complete stop doesn't seem to be proper. It revs up a lot before shifting gear. Transmission is also jerky/hesistant when doing a sudden down-press on the gas-pedal

- Foothill Ranch, CA, USA

problem #12

Oct 012019


  • 150 miles
The new car has does not accelerate for sometime at stop and go and no matter how much U press the gas pedal, and when you press harder for a while a jerky quick gear change happens with unintended accelaration rates. This became particularly of concern on freeway/tollway when I tried changing lanes as the traffic started clearing, putting me at risk with fast moving traffic. The above experience of gear shift or accelaration issue is consistent behavior since I owned this car for past 2 weeks

- Frisco, TX, USA

problem #11

Aug 012019


  • 5,000 miles
While driving up a hill, the Camry would not accelerate with the gas pedal fully pressed. At the top of the hill, the Camry with the transmission in drive began rolling backward down the hill at what was approximately 25-30 mph. The brake would not stop the movement of the car. Eventually, the emergency brake was also put in place. The Camry rolled down the entire hill and stopped when the back tire hit the curb. The car was still on and in drive mode. We did not collide with any other cars because most were off the street. It was extremely dangerous. Fortunately, we could have been severely injured or worse. This took place on a city street. The hill is very walkable. The fact that the car would not accelerate with the gas pedal fully depressed is alarming for a new car with less than 4 months of use. The brakes would not stop the car from rolling backward while the transmission was in drive. Once the car stopped, it showed a car failure notice. The car was towed to Toyota and remains with the dealership today..

- Moraga, CA, USA

problem #10

Jul 152019


  • 400 miles
The transmission on this car does not shift the way it should. When accelerating from a stop the transmission seems to have trouble deciding what gear it should be in and the shift points are too high especially when shifting into 3rd or 4th gear. There is some serious hesitation that should not be present. Also, when downshifting it feels like someone tapped the brake pedal because it slows down significantly. If a car brakes in front of me and I have to slow down and then get back on the gas to speed back up it takes too long for the car to get up to speed to keep up with traffic. This has all happened on side streets as I have not taken the car on the highway yet.

- Niles, IL, USA

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