Most of the time the transmission shifts normally. Sometimes the manual transmission hangs up going into 3rd gear. After shifting into 3rd, when I raise the clutch the shift lever either pops back into neutral or the transmission "grinds". I've taken it to the local Acura dealer twice for this problem and both times they reported "no trouble found". I've now found out that the previous owner also reported the exact same problem and the selling dealer could not find the problem either. I also found out that Acura has a TSB for this issue, so it's apparently a known problem, but my dealer refuses to recognize it.
Most of the time the transmission shifts normally. Sometimes the manual transmission hangs up going into 3rd gear. After shifting into 3rd, when I raise the clutch the shift lever either pops back into neutral or the transmission "grinds". I've taken it to the local Acura dealer twice for this problem and both times they reported "no trouble found". I've now found out that the previous owner also reported the exact same problem and the selling dealer could not find the problem either. I also found out that Acura has a TSB for this issue, so it's apparently a known problem, but my dealer refuses to recognize it.
- dwny, Buffalo, NY, US