For about a year Audi would burn oil to the point where I was adding about a quart per week depending on how far I was driving. I was also frequently fouling plugs and having to replace plugs and coils frequently. Now the vehicle doesn't seem to be burning as much oil but vehicle is constantly misfiring more than before and fouling plugs much more often. Check engine light will not go off even after all plugs and coils replaced. I have taken to 3 separate local garages and none can figure it out.
There isn't an Audi dealership near me or close enough I feel comfortable driving this vehicle to in its current condition. It used to only foul plug #2 but now multiple plugs are fowling and sometimes all of them. Vehicle runs terrible and have to pull over to climb any steep hills. Diagnostic also shows leak in air intake. I will never purchase an Audi again. Worst car I've owned by far!
For about a year Audi would burn oil to the point where I was adding about a quart per week depending on how far I was driving. I was also frequently fouling plugs and having to replace plugs and coils frequently. Now the vehicle doesn't seem to be burning as much oil but vehicle is constantly misfiring more than before and fouling plugs much more often. Check engine light will not go off even after all plugs and coils replaced. I have taken to 3 separate local garages and none can figure it out.
There isn't an Audi dealership near me or close enough I feel comfortable driving this vehicle to in its current condition. It used to only foul plug #2 but now multiple plugs are fowling and sometimes all of them. Vehicle runs terrible and have to pull over to climb any steep hills. Diagnostic also shows leak in air intake. I will never purchase an Audi again. Worst car I've owned by far!
- Brad S., Rockland, US