Traveling from Chicago to Lansing Michigan 80/94 (brother-in-laws funeral), the car slows down and a dash board warning appears "Engine Malfunction! Reduced power Engine operating at reduced output. Possible to continue Drive with caution. Have the system checked....."
I phoned BMW roadside for assistance and was informed that since the car had been serviced it might just have to reset its computer. Turn off the car, walk away from it for 20 minutes and that should work. Well, it didn't work... Had the car serviced mechanic reported ignition coil fail. That happened weeks before the big break down.
Traveling from Chicago to Lansing Michigan 80/94 (brother-in-laws funeral), the car slows down and a dash board warning appears "Engine Malfunction! Reduced power Engine operating at reduced output. Possible to continue Drive with caution. Have the system checked....."
I phoned BMW roadside for assistance and was informed that since the car had been serviced it might just have to reset its computer. Turn off the car, walk away from it for 20 minutes and that should work. Well, it didn't work... Had the car serviced mechanic reported ignition coil fail. That happened weeks before the big break down.
- rfboldman, Chicago, US