OK, This is what happens when two people have arrived at their destination, and the driver or the passenger steps out of the car and locks it while the other person has not yet got out of the car. The car is lock, I was the victim of trying to get out of my own car but I couldn't, I pressed the lock button to unlock to get out and it would not open, I had to honk the horn to get my husband's attention to let me out of the car, my husband had to open it with the key in order for it to open.
To me this is a dangerous. Texas Summer HEAT is really bad, sometime it reaches the single digit reaching from 100 to111. Not Very Good.
OK, This is what happens when two people have arrived at their destination, and the driver or the passenger steps out of the car and locks it while the other person has not yet got out of the car. The car is lock, I was the victim of trying to get out of my own car but I couldn't, I pressed the lock button to unlock to get out and it would not open, I had to honk the horn to get my husband's attention to let me out of the car, my husband had to open it with the key in order for it to open.
To me this is a dangerous. Texas Summer HEAT is really bad, sometime it reaches the single digit reaching from 100 to111. Not Very Good.
- White M., Joshua, TX, US