I was driving with my 4 y/o grandson. I had the defrost on to prevent fogging due to rain and a warm day. Suddenly the defrost failed to work and my windshield and remaining windows fogged over. Almost simultaneously, my brakes locked and steering column did too. No warning lights at all. Once I coasted to a stop, the battery icon appeared and a warning that said my engine was overheated. I was driving all of about 3 minutes. So many things could have happened. Flash flood raining along with darkness happened during this time. I'm grateful to God for still being here.
I was driving with my 4 y/o grandson. I had the defrost on to prevent fogging due to rain and a warm day. Suddenly the defrost failed to work and my windshield and remaining windows fogged over. Almost simultaneously, my brakes locked and steering column did too. No warning lights at all. Once I coasted to a stop, the battery icon appeared and a warning that said my engine was overheated. I was driving all of about 3 minutes. So many things could have happened. Flash flood raining along with darkness happened during this time. I'm grateful to God for still being here.
- daddysmiddlegrl2ss, Cleveland Heights, US