Intermittently, but frequent problem...After stopping vehicle could not remove ignition key...Would have to restart/stop and move vehicle from 2 to 6 times before key could be removed...Dealer denied ever hearing of problem...On way from St Peters, Mo to Bismarck, ND stopped for ovenite in FargoND...Thought I'd have to sleep in car !!!...Could lock auto with fob, but certainly didn't want to leave vehicle with ignition key that could start car...Took 13 starts/restarts and moves of vehicle before able to remove key !!!!....Fargo dealer contacted in morning...Knew of problem....Crappy system...Electrical solenoid system for steering wheel anti-theft lock...Corrosion of cheap electrical connector would intermittently prevent activation of solenoid...."Fifty cent" connector unitized into shift console module and entire module needed replacement $780 !!!!....NOTE: IF FOR ANY REASON ELECTRICAL CURRENT FAILS TO THIS SOLENOID THE STEERING WHEEL IS LOCKED IN EXISTING POSITION...SHOULD THIS HAPPEN IN TRAFFIC RESULT COULD BE A HORRIFIC ACCIDENT...CONCLUDED THAT THIS IS A POOR DESIGN FROM THE "GET-GO" BECAUSE FORGOT TO UNPLUG SOLID STATE COOLER NEXT EVENING IN BISMARCK..AND...ATTEMPTED TO START VEHICLE..."CLICK"...AND COULDN'T REMOVE KEY UNTIL GOT BATTERY BOOST !!!!...GM APPARENTLY NEVER CHECKED WHAT WOULD HAPPEN WITH DEAD BATTERY/ELECTRICAL FAILURE !!!...FARGO DEALER "LOADED" NEW CONNECTOR WITH SILICONE IGNITION GREASE TO REPEL MOISTURE/SALT....HAVE "ARMS-LENGTH" COMPLAINTS ABOUT THIS BUICK...
Intermittently, but frequent problem...After stopping vehicle could not remove ignition key...Would have to restart/stop and move vehicle from 2 to 6 times before key could be removed...Dealer denied ever hearing of problem...On way from St Peters, Mo to Bismarck, ND stopped for ovenite in FargoND...Thought I'd have to sleep in car !!!...Could lock auto with fob, but certainly didn't want to leave vehicle with ignition key that could start car...Took 13 starts/restarts and moves of vehicle before able to remove key !!!!....Fargo dealer contacted in morning...Knew of problem....Crappy system...Electrical solenoid system for steering wheel anti-theft lock...Corrosion of cheap electrical connector would intermittently prevent activation of solenoid...."Fifty cent" connector unitized into shift console module and entire module needed replacement $780 !!!!....NOTE: IF FOR ANY REASON ELECTRICAL CURRENT FAILS TO THIS SOLENOID THE STEERING WHEEL IS LOCKED IN EXISTING POSITION...SHOULD THIS HAPPEN IN TRAFFIC RESULT COULD BE A HORRIFIC ACCIDENT...CONCLUDED THAT THIS IS A POOR DESIGN FROM THE "GET-GO" BECAUSE FORGOT TO UNPLUG SOLID STATE COOLER NEXT EVENING IN BISMARCK..AND...ATTEMPTED TO START VEHICLE..."CLICK"...AND COULDN'T REMOVE KEY UNTIL GOT BATTERY BOOST !!!!...GM APPARENTLY NEVER CHECKED WHAT WOULD HAPPEN WITH DEAD BATTERY/ELECTRICAL FAILURE !!!...FARGO DEALER "LOADED" NEW CONNECTOR WITH SILICONE IGNITION GREASE TO REPEL MOISTURE/SALT....HAVE "ARMS-LENGTH" COMPLAINTS ABOUT THIS BUICK...
- Don F., St Peters, MO, US