The transmission fluid on my 2004 CTS Cadillac, flushed out on the ground as my wife drove into a parking lot. After I had it towed for examination, it appeared that a crack occurred in the tranny oil cooler inside the radiator which allowed engine coolant to mix with tranny oil and ruined the whole transmission, torque and radiator as well... This is a costly repair $$$$$. I heard that they had a lot of Cadillac CTS 2004 with this particular problem. So, if you don't want to go through this " major headache" have the radiator changed asap.
The transmission fluid on my 2004 CTS Cadillac, flushed out on the ground as my wife drove into a parking lot. After I had it towed for examination, it appeared that a crack occurred in the tranny oil cooler inside the radiator which allowed engine coolant to mix with tranny oil and ruined the whole transmission, torque and radiator as well... This is a costly repair $$$$$. I heard that they had a lot of Cadillac CTS 2004 with this particular problem. So, if you don't want to go through this " major headache" have the radiator changed asap.
- petergau, Jonquière, QUÉBEC, canada