Periodically, the 'SERVICE REAR AXLE' warning message comes up on the 'DIC' (Digital Information Center)...There is no change in the performance, but sometimes a slight whining (perhaps the pump that pumps the fluid within the assembly?) can be heard...along with a slight 'graunch' when the vehicle starts moving forward. If you press the 'dismiss message' button on the stalk, it does NOT reappear, no matter how far or how long you drive. Very odd. I understand that an undersized 'filter' in the pump line that could be clogged - MIGHT be the problem that triggers the dash warning. I am hoping my extra warranty I bought will take care of the issue. I would love to hear from others with this problem and what solutions were found.
Periodically, the 'SERVICE REAR AXLE' warning message comes up on the 'DIC' (Digital Information Center)...There is no change in the performance, but sometimes a slight whining (perhaps the pump that pumps the fluid within the assembly?) can be heard...along with a slight 'graunch' when the vehicle starts moving forward. If you press the 'dismiss message' button on the stalk, it does NOT reappear, no matter how far or how long you drive. Very odd. I understand that an undersized 'filter' in the pump line that could be clogged - MIGHT be the problem that triggers the dash warning. I am hoping my extra warranty I bought will take care of the issue. I would love to hear from others with this problem and what solutions were found.
- n.thusiast, Toronto, ON, Canada