The car stopped on me. I got a charge. the next day the battery was completely dead. Bought new battery 2 months ago. Wednsday 6/1/11. car would not start, it would not turn over. Nothing was happening. The battery was completely dead Took to the place were it was purchased they recharged and said the battery is good on June 8. I drove it to work thursday and friday. Did not drive at all saturday or sunday. Monday morning which is today, it would not start. Battery is completely dead.
The car stopped on me. I got a charge. the next day the battery was completely dead. Bought new battery 2 months ago. Wednsday 6/1/11. car would not start, it would not turn over. Nothing was happening. The battery was completely dead Took to the place were it was purchased they recharged and said the battery is good on June 8. I drove it to work thursday and friday. Did not drive at all saturday or sunday. Monday morning which is today, it would not start. Battery is completely dead.
- sheiladaniels, Fort Worth, TX, US