The truck only has 24,000 miles yet the fuel gauge is faulty. when the tank is full, gauge shows full. when the tank is about half full, gauge shows 3/4 full, then as the fuel drops less than a tank, the gauge will dramatically drop to empty. When the tank is almost empty, the fuel gauge may fluctuate between empty or may show full, at which time you may run out. Is this the sender, or gauge, or something more serious?
The truck only has 24,000 miles yet the fuel gauge is faulty. when the tank is full, gauge shows full. when the tank is about half full, gauge shows 3/4 full, then as the fuel drops less than a tank, the gauge will dramatically drop to empty. When the tank is almost empty, the fuel gauge may fluctuate between empty or may show full, at which time you may run out. Is this the sender, or gauge, or something more serious?
- jimchevy, Raleigh, NC, US