This is the reoccurring problem as this my second post. Got in my car to go to work and rough idle and check engine light on. I said to myself. Not again, but this time before I got to shut it off I heard more. Clank, clunk, bam. I said to myself, "That sounded like a valve dropping". I am not only an all Chevy guy but work for a large supplier of parts to garages. In fact, we are the largest. I have been there since I was 14 1/2 and is my first and only job. Mostly BMW and MB is what my specialty is. So I know about cars. I was concerned it was the 7th cylinder again as it failed valve spring. But. knew it had to be more damage due to the noise. I called tow again and off to Selman Chevrolet, again.
At 11am I called and was told engine looked up and need your approval of $300.00 to tear down. I asked if it could be the same engine problem as last time. He said what was that. A broken valve spring. Look at the records. He said he will look but needed the OK to tear down. I said it did the same thing as last time but this time I heard more noise like a valve dropping. He said we will have to get into and we can let you know from there. I gave the OK as she is my baby. I called about 12:30 to see what they found. He said catastrophic engine failure and looking more. I said, oh no. I called back about 3:30 and asked again. What did you find.... Let me tell you. Number 7 cylinder valve spring broke and valve fell contacting piston and possible bent rod. He said no broken rod. It needs a new engine and cannot be rebuilt. He asked were you driving this. I said no. I was in my driveway when it happened. It was running fine the night before but could hear a slight lifter noise. I went to dinner and as driving away and the noise went away. I came home from dinner and forgot the noise. Went to bed and woke up Friday morning with a nightmare. Out of Warranty . I told the mechanic this is a reoccurring problem and he said I know same cylinder as back a couple of years ago. I told my manager it is the same cylinder as last time. Manager said Sh*t! He said we are calling corporate to see what they can do. Please, I do not want a cover up on the Chevy tattoo on my back. I am proud of that. I am awaiting their decision and I know I did not do anything wrong. This is my baby!
Update from Aug 14, 2015: Well GM would not tell me what happened to car nor did they tell me there is an extended warranty on the timing chain. They only covered my car 60/40. They want me to pay $2,900 for my portion. I have no choice but to fix it or take them to court. I just wish I could find someone who could actually look at it as I suspect they know what is wrong with it. Well, they just lost any car sales from me in the future. Penny wise and dollar foolish.
This is the reoccurring problem as this my second post. Got in my car to go to work and rough idle and check engine light on. I said to myself. Not again, but this time before I got to shut it off I heard more. Clank, clunk, bam. I said to myself, "That sounded like a valve dropping". I am not only an all Chevy guy but work for a large supplier of parts to garages. In fact, we are the largest. I have been there since I was 14 1/2 and is my first and only job. Mostly BMW and MB is what my specialty is. So I know about cars. I was concerned it was the 7th cylinder again as it failed valve spring. But. knew it had to be more damage due to the noise. I called tow again and off to Selman Chevrolet, again.
At 11am I called and was told engine looked up and need your approval of $300.00 to tear down. I asked if it could be the same engine problem as last time. He said what was that. A broken valve spring. Look at the records. He said he will look but needed the OK to tear down. I said it did the same thing as last time but this time I heard more noise like a valve dropping. He said we will have to get into and we can let you know from there. I gave the OK as she is my baby. I called about 12:30 to see what they found. He said catastrophic engine failure and looking more. I said, oh no. I called back about 3:30 and asked again. What did you find.... Let me tell you. Number 7 cylinder valve spring broke and valve fell contacting piston and possible bent rod. He said no broken rod. It needs a new engine and cannot be rebuilt. He asked were you driving this. I said no. I was in my driveway when it happened. It was running fine the night before but could hear a slight lifter noise. I went to dinner and as driving away and the noise went away. I came home from dinner and forgot the noise. Went to bed and woke up Friday morning with a nightmare. Out of Warranty . I told the mechanic this is a reoccurring problem and he said I know same cylinder as back a couple of years ago. I told my manager it is the same cylinder as last time. Manager said Sh*t! He said we are calling corporate to see what they can do. Please, I do not want a cover up on the Chevy tattoo on my back. I am proud of that. I am awaiting their decision and I know I did not do anything wrong. This is my baby!
Update from Aug 14, 2015: Well GM would not tell me what happened to car nor did they tell me there is an extended warranty on the timing chain. They only covered my car 60/40. They want me to pay $2,900 for my portion. I have no choice but to fix it or take them to court. I just wish I could find someone who could actually look at it as I suspect they know what is wrong with it. Well, they just lost any car sales from me in the future. Penny wise and dollar foolish.
- Keith L., Orange, CA, US