All of a sudden one day my antenna started rattling real bad especially at higher speeds. Turned out the plastic housing pulled away from the fender and that's what the rattling was. Tightening the antenna wasn't an option as it was snug. I had to drop the wheel well and cram my hand up there to get some zip ties on it to re-secure it somewhat. At this point my car was still under warranty but this wasn't covered of course.
All of a sudden one day my antenna started rattling real bad especially at higher speeds. Turned out the plastic housing pulled away from the fender and that's what the rattling was. Tightening the antenna wasn't an option as it was snug. I had to drop the wheel well and cram my hand up there to get some zip ties on it to re-secure it somewhat. At this point my car was still under warranty but this wasn't covered of course.
- Jess B., Minneapolis, MN, US