Electrical Failure during driving... Had car drive down the road for 45 seconds, turned a corner and had three lights come on, OIL, VOLT, and SERVICE ENGINE SOON.. Engine seemed to stop and steering became nearly impossible, luckily avoided hitting 3 parked cars.. After it died, a restart proved to me that battery and starter were working properly but no turn over.. After more diagnosing, the Spark Plugs had no spark to them, which indicated a electrical issue in the wiring somewhere in the lines, most likely connected to the engines computer which tells the engine how to spark the engine.. No estimate on the repairs from dealer, the car is getting crushed into a nice block, but could easily add up over 1000$ with labor and parts..
Electrical Failure during driving... Had car drive down the road for 45 seconds, turned a corner and had three lights come on, OIL, VOLT, and SERVICE ENGINE SOON.. Engine seemed to stop and steering became nearly impossible, luckily avoided hitting 3 parked cars.. After it died, a restart proved to me that battery and starter were working properly but no turn over.. After more diagnosing, the Spark Plugs had no spark to them, which indicated a electrical issue in the wiring somewhere in the lines, most likely connected to the engines computer which tells the engine how to spark the engine.. No estimate on the repairs from dealer, the car is getting crushed into a nice block, but could easily add up over 1000$ with labor and parts..
- Sean T., Pensacola, FL, US