also had this same problem with a 96 Monte Carlo. although the cruise control, turn signal, wipers, etc. all work, something else fails inside the turn signal/multi switch that prevents the brake lights to work, although the center/rear window brake light still works. very dangerous situation that GM has not recalled or will offer to repair even though it's clearly a faulty design/part as there are problems with many GM's all over the internet reporting the same problem. then, after paying about $380 (incl tax) they only offer a 12-mos warranty to the owner. this 1999 Malibu has been extremely well cared for and has not been abused.
1999 Malibu also goes through front brake pads extremely fast (~every 20k miles) and had to replace front bearings with only 90k miles on car--not the easiest job to do, and they give you different bearings that are only torqued about half the amount as original bearings. it's like GM knew there was a problem here too, but refused 't fix it on their dime!
Finally, I think most folks know by now also that the stated 150k mile coolant life has caused 3.1L engine owners to replaced intake manifold head gaskets due to old coolant deteriorating gasket material. flush coolant every 75k miles or less to avoid this costly repair!
also had this same problem with a 96 Monte Carlo. although the cruise control, turn signal, wipers, etc. all work, something else fails inside the turn signal/multi switch that prevents the brake lights to work, although the center/rear window brake light still works. very dangerous situation that GM has not recalled or will offer to repair even though it's clearly a faulty design/part as there are problems with many GM's all over the internet reporting the same problem. then, after paying about $380 (incl tax) they only offer a 12-mos warranty to the owner. this 1999 Malibu has been extremely well cared for and has not been abused.
1999 Malibu also goes through front brake pads extremely fast (~every 20k miles) and had to replace front bearings with only 90k miles on car--not the easiest job to do, and they give you different bearings that are only torqued about half the amount as original bearings. it's like GM knew there was a problem here too, but refused 't fix it on their dime!
Finally, I think most folks know by now also that the stated 150k mile coolant life has caused 3.1L engine owners to replaced intake manifold head gaskets due to old coolant deteriorating gasket material. flush coolant every 75k miles or less to avoid this costly repair!
- Scott S., Centerville, OH, US