at 100000 started have a problem with the battery dieing over night. new 1000ccr battery, at 2000 rpm putting out 14.6 volts and the alt checks out fine but deff draining the battery overnight unless i unhook battery cables iv tried removing the relays to each system to no avail problem still there ???? sometimes..
had the fuel gauge problem from about 30000 miles had to replace the fuel pump at 40000 miles
also when cold the truck will not idle will shut off half the time if you take your foot of throttle
at 100000 started have a problem with the battery dieing over night. new 1000ccr battery, at 2000 rpm putting out 14.6 volts and the alt checks out fine but deff draining the battery overnight unless i unhook battery cables iv tried removing the relays to each system to no avail problem still there ???? sometimes..
had the fuel gauge problem from about 30000 miles had to replace the fuel pump at 40000 miles
also when cold the truck will not idle will shut off half the time if you take your foot of throttle
- Lawrence S., Summerville, SC, US