In the beginning it was stalling on slow idle. And I had a check engine code of 02 sensor, so I changed the spark plugs and their wires. And still no change. Then removed the catalysers. I also cleaned the intake valve connected to the tps. And now it no longer stalls but burps-jumps at 2000 rpm and the check engine light starts to flash. So is it my catalysers doing that or is there another problem ? Not too sure, I am lost?
In the beginning it was stalling on slow idle. And I had a check engine code of 02 sensor, so I changed the spark plugs and their wires. And still no change. Then removed the catalysers. I also cleaned the intake valve connected to the tps. And now it no longer stalls but burps-jumps at 2000 rpm and the check engine light starts to flash. So is it my catalysers doing that or is there another problem ? Not too sure, I am lost?
- fcastonguay, Quebec, QB, canada