fairly significant- Typical Repair Cost:
- No data
- Average Mileage:
- 58,250 miles
- Total Complaints:
- 5 complaints
Most common solutions:
- not sure (4 reports)
- replace/rebuild (1 reports)
If anyone is dealing with their 2016 Chevy Silverado having transmission issues, contact Goldsmith West Lawfirm. They are helping me. I would think the more people who contact them, the better chance we have of proving that the transmission issues with our tucks will be resolved. Not only is my transmission a POS, my AC condenser is also out.
From day one I thought the transmission made weird noises but it was a new truck and I assumed that was the way it sounded. But at 80,000 miles, it is completely slipping and not safe to drive. It for sure needs to be replaced. On this website, I’ve read that many people who own these trucks are dealing with the same issues. This truck is a lemon. Let’s get GM to take responsibility for their piss poor engineering.
- Gavin B., Fairfax, US
My very first 2016 silverado ever was shaking and the dealer told me if a light isn't on they can't check and then not even a month later, the transmission start slipping. So now I am seeing all these videos and info of people dealing with chevy silverado transmission and GM, chevrolet dealers are giving them the run around and the sad part is they know what is going on and they are deciding not to do anything, I shouldn't have to pay for mobile 1 transmission oil and a torque converter for this truck to run. I see if I did something wrong then yeah I should pay but this is a GM problem. I have a warranty too.
- Jason B., Covington, GA, US
Transmission is a 6L80 that has no leaks and no scratches on the oil pan exterior, indicating it has never been out of the vehicle since it was manufactured.. I purchased the vehicle previously owned, from a GM dealer, in 2018.
Consider the process of backing out of a driveway onto a street with medium traffic.
First, I select Reverse and back out onto the street. With the vehicle fully stopped, I select Drive. The transmission gives the expected mild bump as the 1st gear clutch configuration is engaged by the transmission electronics. With the vehicle still stopped, after the mild bump, if I immediately give even light throttle, the transmission slips and permits an engine RPM flare, suggesting 1st gear clutch engagement is actually incomplete, followed 1 second later by a stiffer bump (which stops the RPM flare) suggesting the actual completion of a previously incomplete 1st gear clutch engagement. After the 2nd bump, the 1st gear engagement is reliable and the engine and transmission cooperate and permit a normal take-off where the vehicle accelerates normally and the transmission shifts smoothly with no RPM flare(s).
It is as if I stepped on the gas and THEN selected Drive. Nobody in their right mind would do that.
The delayed engagement is temperature sensitive and intermittent, being most likely to occur with ambient temperatures above 80F and transmission fluid temperatures above 130F. It happens only about 25% of the time I go from Reverse to Drive.
The current work around is to wait a few seconds after selecting Drive. Then apply throttle. If I do this, the engine and transmission cooperate and permit a normal take-off where the truck accelerates normally and the transmission shifts smoothly with no RPM flare(s). But this has obvious safety implications.
- Michael M., Utica, MI, US
Hi, I got a new 2016 LS Silverado 1500 V8 5.3. First the engine makes a grinding sound when first cranked COLD. (2) Transmission slips in 3,4,5,6 gears. (3) When I let off the gas around 20 MPH and then give it the gas again it slips so bad it will bang into gear like someone hit you from behind. (4) goes from V4 to V8 constantly all the time. (5) when in high gear around 65 MPH the engine surges as if driving in high wind. (6) The exhaust makes whooping sounds at 40MPH up hills. (7) The dash information center works hit and miss the small knob you turn. (8) The truck starts to shake at 70MPH from day 1. This piece of JUNK will be traded for a Toyota ASAP!!!!!! (GM NEVER again). (9) ok also rear u-joint slings grease. All these problems under 1000 miles.
- tim5757, Memphis, TN, US
When I'm driving down the highway at low mileage, it seems to want to shift to a lower gear or drop the RPMs down causing the truck to kind of lug. Not sure if it is a transmission or not. I have replaced the pan and put a cooling fan on the transmission.
- Virgil C., San Francisco, US