Poor headlight output from old lenses getting battered by the sun/wind/snow/life. Bought a replacement pair, non OEM, from Kijiji and decided to upgraded to projector headlights myself. Bought a kit from theretrofitsource.com and kept myself busy for two nights. Basically you open the stock headlights by sticking them in your oven to heat up the sealant and then remove the stock bulb housing and install the projector housing. I did make a mistake while aiming the headlights and now my high beams are higher than I would like. Major improvement on headlight output and night visibility. Do not buy the crappy projector headlights off ebay, I tried that route and it was a complete waste of money.
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Poor headlight output from old lenses getting battered by the sun/wind/snow/life. Bought a replacement pair, non OEM, from Kijiji and decided to upgraded to projector headlights myself. Bought a kit from theretrofitsource.com and kept myself busy for two nights. Basically you open the stock headlights by sticking them in your oven to heat up the sealant and then remove the stock bulb housing and install the projector housing. I did make a mistake while aiming the headlights and now my high beams are higher than I would like. Major improvement on headlight output and night visibility. Do not buy the crappy projector headlights off ebay, I tried that route and it was a complete waste of money.
- shawnn, Edmonton, AB, Canada