I stopped to get gas one day and reset the average miles per gallon, average speed, and the running timer, as well as the trip miles, then turned off the vehicle and took out the key. When I got back into the vehicle and started the vehicle to leave, I noticed that the menu screen, above the trip/odometer miles screen, was blinking on its own repeatedly. I left it alone, not touching anything to see if it would still blink all the way home. It continued to blink from the gas station for about 13-14 miles till I had turned on the high beams. After turning on the high beams it had stopped blinking. I tried holding down the "menu" button on the knob to see if that was possibly the issue. But if you hold in the button, to simulate it being stuck, it will only blink 3 times and stop. Since it was blinking for 13-14 miles, it couldn't have been a stuck button. It has to be some sort of electrical issue or loose wire, somewhere between the knob with the "menu" button and the driver's side console. The Service Department shrugged this issue off and didn't bother to look into it further, because they couldn't duplicate the problem I was experiencing.
I stopped to get gas one day and reset the average miles per gallon, average speed, and the running timer, as well as the trip miles, then turned off the vehicle and took out the key. When I got back into the vehicle and started the vehicle to leave, I noticed that the menu screen, above the trip/odometer miles screen, was blinking on its own repeatedly. I left it alone, not touching anything to see if it would still blink all the way home. It continued to blink from the gas station for about 13-14 miles till I had turned on the high beams. After turning on the high beams it had stopped blinking. I tried holding down the "menu" button on the knob to see if that was possibly the issue. But if you hold in the button, to simulate it being stuck, it will only blink 3 times and stop. Since it was blinking for 13-14 miles, it couldn't have been a stuck button. It has to be some sort of electrical issue or loose wire, somewhere between the knob with the "menu" button and the driver's side console. The Service Department shrugged this issue off and didn't bother to look into it further, because they couldn't duplicate the problem I was experiencing.
- Christopher S., Traverse City, MI, US