Today we are discouraged. This summer we have been struggling with getting our 2005 suburban to run properly. The main issue, the check engine light. No one could get it to go away. We have been in and out of the shop with it. We have put many hours into it. It came to the point that we replaced our motor hoping that would be the fix all. We bought a rebuilt motor from Jones Buick GMC. But that motor is not running right. A non GMC mechanic placed the new to us motor in and right away it made terrible noises. So we loaded it up on a trailer and took it to Faulkner Chevrolet of Lancaster. That was Monday- Aug 14th, it is now Friday- Aug 18th. After the dealership took the motor apart they found metal in the motor. The dealership says it is our fault and that warranty will not cover this. So now GMC says we must eat this broken motor (that was already broken) and buy a another new one, plus pay for all this weeks labor for them to look into GMC's broken rebuilt motor. I know GMC is not bad but it is super discouraging putting all our money into this vehicle and it still does not run and will not pass inspection. Our family is suppose to be leaving for Canada on Aug 20th for school. (Training to be missionaries) I have been in customer service for years and I understand it is frustrating when people complain. I'm sad that I must do this, but in no way is the metal in the rebuilt motor because of us. This money that we would sink into two motors and labor will cost us our schooling. This will set us back in our training. Is there anything GMC can do? Please just be an honest company in a world of dishonesty. Please.
Today we are discouraged. This summer we have been struggling with getting our 2005 suburban to run properly. The main issue, the check engine light. No one could get it to go away. We have been in and out of the shop with it. We have put many hours into it. It came to the point that we replaced our motor hoping that would be the fix all. We bought a rebuilt motor from Jones Buick GMC. But that motor is not running right. A non GMC mechanic placed the new to us motor in and right away it made terrible noises. So we loaded it up on a trailer and took it to Faulkner Chevrolet of Lancaster. That was Monday- Aug 14th, it is now Friday- Aug 18th. After the dealership took the motor apart they found metal in the motor. The dealership says it is our fault and that warranty will not cover this. So now GMC says we must eat this broken motor (that was already broken) and buy a another new one, plus pay for all this weeks labor for them to look into GMC's broken rebuilt motor. I know GMC is not bad but it is super discouraging putting all our money into this vehicle and it still does not run and will not pass inspection. Our family is suppose to be leaving for Canada on Aug 20th for school. (Training to be missionaries) I have been in customer service for years and I understand it is frustrating when people complain. I'm sad that I must do this, but in no way is the metal in the rebuilt motor because of us. This money that we would sink into two motors and labor will cost us our schooling. This will set us back in our training. Is there anything GMC can do? Please just be an honest company in a world of dishonesty. Please.
- mlshaiebly, Lancaster, US