I have had this Tahoe since new. I have heard of GMs paint issue and we are just screwed. I have had a problem with oxidization and paint coming off for about 6 years. My hood looks bad and for my mileage and the car I have put in to my car It annoys the crap out of me. I had the car wrapped the first three years, which helped protect it, just no the roof.
I was going to a shop to have an estimate to paint my hood, after examing the vehicle he asked if I knew of the rust on my roof. I DID NOT! I am average height 5'9" and would need a ladder to have noticed (as did he) but I was irritated when I climbed up and noticed a 6-8 inch swath of rust that is almost the full length of my tahoe. It is hid nicely between the roof rack. I was a little pissed about it and the additional cost.
I heard there may be a recall by a friend (a former GM tech). I called GMs line (in the Phillipines) and tried to explain the situation and she told me she was not aware of what I was trying to explain. I asked and she said she doesn't have a car. I asked if she were in Michigan... US nope Phillipines She has never been in a car but has been "trained" how do they "Help" with car issues if they do not have a car or ever driven one, She hardly knew my vehicle except for the VIN # and what her computer told her to say. The other thing it told her to say was Im sorry sir but any issue will be at your expense. I am pissed. I live in AZ, I have no rust near the bottom of my Tahoe (former WI resident) I have never heard about it on my roof. This is some SH!t paint and they must have skimped on painting the roof to save a few dollars. It annoys me as I try to be prideful of my Chevy vehicle and ownership.
I got no where but a phone number to a dealership I was already familiar with, GM should fix their paint issues its crap that it falls on the owner.
top of roof rusting away
I have had this Tahoe since new. I have heard of GMs paint issue and we are just screwed. I have had a problem with oxidization and paint coming off for about 6 years. My hood looks bad and for my mileage and the car I have put in to my car It annoys the crap out of me. I had the car wrapped the first three years, which helped protect it, just no the roof.
I was going to a shop to have an estimate to paint my hood, after examing the vehicle he asked if I knew of the rust on my roof. I DID NOT! I am average height 5'9" and would need a ladder to have noticed (as did he) but I was irritated when I climbed up and noticed a 6-8 inch swath of rust that is almost the full length of my tahoe. It is hid nicely between the roof rack. I was a little pissed about it and the additional cost.
I heard there may be a recall by a friend (a former GM tech). I called GMs line (in the Phillipines) and tried to explain the situation and she told me she was not aware of what I was trying to explain. I asked and she said she doesn't have a car. I asked if she were in Michigan... US nope Phillipines She has never been in a car but has been "trained" how do they "Help" with car issues if they do not have a car or ever driven one, She hardly knew my vehicle except for the VIN # and what her computer told her to say. The other thing it told her to say was Im sorry sir but any issue will be at your expense. I am pissed. I live in AZ, I have no rust near the bottom of my Tahoe (former WI resident) I have never heard about it on my roof. This is some SH!t paint and they must have skimped on painting the roof to save a few dollars. It annoys me as I try to be prideful of my Chevy vehicle and ownership.
I got no where but a phone number to a dealership I was already familiar with, GM should fix their paint issues its crap that it falls on the owner.
- John V., Phoenix, US